Booked a place on the Younger Women’s Together event in London but worried about going alone?
Every year we receive queries from women, including concerns about coming along to the event on their own. Feedback from previous events has said how helpful it was to talk before the event.
This thread is a chance for you to say hello and “meet” others attending the Younger Women Together. I will check in regularly and if you have any questions do let me know and I will do my best to answer them.
Hi all! Really looking forward to meeting everyone although a little nervous! I’ll be driving down from
Nottingham incase anyone else is coming from that direction? See you Friday
Holly x
Hi! I’m Rosie. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all. Sarah - I am going to Brighton on Sunday for a couple of days so would be great to get some local knowledge from you! See you all on Friday. x