Booked a place on the Younger Women’s Together event in London ?

Booked a place on the Younger Women’s Together event in London but worried about going alone?



Every year we receive queries from women, including concerns about coming along to the event on their own. Feedback from previous events has said how helpful it was to talk before the event.


This thread is a chance for you to say hello and “meet” others attending the Younger Women Together. I will check in regularly and if you have any questions do let me know and I will do my best to answer them.


Look forward to meeting you all next week.



Hi Steph,
Thank you for organising this.
My name is Laura and I am looking forward to meeting everyone soon.

Hi, I’m Charlotte, looking forward to the event so much! x

Thanks Steph for organising.


I’m Lauren and looking forward to meeting everybody next week.




Thanks Steph… I am Lucy and looking forward to meeting everyone. It’s going to take courage to walk in the door! 


Hi. I’m Kirsten. Really looking forward to meeting you all next week. I feel really luck to have a place at this event.

Hi ladies. Thanks to those that have organised the event. I’m very much looking forward to meeting everyone and sharing experiences. A little nervous not knowing anyone but will find the courage to walk through the door to meet you all x

Hello lovely ladies!


Looking forward to meeting everyone at the event. Thought I would give you a heads up that I’m going to be arriving late as I have a hospital appointment in the morning. Wanted to make sure you don’t think I’m taking being fashionably late to a whole new level, ha! 


See you soon 



Hi, I’m Emma and really looking forward to meeting everyone. 


I’m a little nervous but I feel so very fortunate to be able to come and take time out to reflect, learn and process things.  A massive thank you to all those who have organised the event.

Hi, I’m Jo and I feel so grateful to be able to attend next weekend. I’m also really looking forward to meeting you all there xxx

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Looking forward to the event and meeting everyone. I’ll be travelling from Cambridge.


A big thank you to the organisers.

Hello, I’m very much looking forward to meeting you all. A little anxious, I seem to have become very needy since all this! Lol. Looking forward to some me time too.

Thank you for organising. I’ll see you all next week.


Hello fellow Lauren too! Nice name :wink:

Hi I’m Mandy. I’m really not sure how I’m feeling about next weekend - apprehensive maybe, but I am really grateful for the opportunity to meet with people who are/have been in a similar situation. Family and friends have been fantastic but I’m really looking forward to meeting all of you who are living this too x

Hello everyone!
Looking forward to meeting you all on Friday. I shall also be arriving a little later due to more fun and games at the hospital lol.
I’m so glad I got a place. The last course I went on was a local thing and it had two other people on it: they were both 63 and one of them was a man. :open_mouth: I’m thinking this weekend will be a whole lot more helpful! :slight_smile: Xx

Hi I’m Debbie


I should be fairly easy to spot as I have short blue hair - if I have to regrow my hair from scratch then I’m going to use the opportunity to try all the hair colours I was too afraid to use on long hair!

Looking forward ot meeting you all.

Deb I love that! I was looking at the bright pinks but wasn’t brave enough and kids gave me an odd look. The brown chemo curls made me look like Susan Boyle! I’ve now got plumb chemo curls! See you Friday! Jo x

Hi all, my name is AK and really looking forward to meeting you all in person on Friday. Can’t wait to see your blue hair Debbie, sounds brilliant!

Hey girls! 


Silly question… what is everyone packing for the course? Nice stuff for dinner? 


Am am looking forward to meeting everyone even if a little nervous . 



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