Borderline Malignant Phyllodes

Hi, everyone, thanks for all your support so far. Feeling very confused, I got my biopsy results over the phone (!?) this morning Ynd the breast care nurse proceeded to tell me I have the above. I couldn’t really take in what she was saying as I told my husband to go on to work as they said it was likely a broadening, the kids were running a bit wild. I tried to call back but it went to messaging. I haven’t read anything yet, but does this mean I have breast cancer? I am meeting with surgeon next Wednesday to discuss options?? Feeling competely lost. Thanks for any advice. Roisin xx

Hi Roisin

I am sorry you have this worry, please call our helpliners to talk your queries over, lines are open until 5pm today (weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2) on 0808 800 6000

Here’s the link to the BCC Phyllodes information which you may find helpful:

Best wishes


Thanks Lucy, just off the phone to my breast care nurse who said there were B4 cells on the biopsy and made things a little clearer. I will read this later and hopefully call the helpline tomorrow. Roisin x

Does anyone have experience or knowledge about this? Don’t want to Google. Thanks x

Hi Roisin, just came on site as wanted to know how you got on with your results- I kind of feel I have followed your journey this far. I really feel for you getting results like that- I just assumed results were given in person regardless. At least then you have a chance to ask any questions you may have and to clarify anything you’re unsure of. I can’t offer any wise words regarding your results but just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and I’m sure you will receive more great support and advice from people that have been through this from the lovely ladies on this site. I would keep ringing the breast care nurse with any questions as otherwise things go round and round your head- that’s what they are there for. Sending you lots of love and hugs, xxx

Hi, and thanks Beebee, feel very alone as I don’t completely know what I’m dealing with. Having an mri/ct scan pre surgery so we’ll know more I guess. Just want the thing out as I don’t want it to grow bigger as the boob in question seems to be shrinking! Thanks for your kind words, very much appreciated. It seems that not many people find themselves with this, but maybe someone will pop on here who has been through similar. Love and hugs to you xxx

Ok looks like I’m on my own here :frowning: I understand that my news may seem less devastating than some, but thought that someone could offer some advice or support, as the BCC publication states, it is definitely more anxious (for me anyway)being diagnosed with a rarer form of breast cancer. I wish everyone the very best and hoping for good outcomes for all.
Best wishes

Hi Roisdara
i don’t know anything really but for some reason I think it’s fairly rare, this may be why you haven’t had much response.
if you type this in the search bar you will find that there is a fact sheet that may answer some of your questions.
Big hugs
Stella x

hi again Roisdara, I’ve just read the fact sheet and if you do have it, given a choice it would probably be one of the best ones to have.
Hope this reassures you x

Thanks Stella :slight_smile: