Having had little time to sit and ponder in my normal working life, now haves oodles of time . Posted this on our monthly treatment thread and it was suggested I start a new thread, so here goes…
What kind of activities help you to get through your day? any top tips? Of course I am coming to realise that some of these ideas are a bit beyond me at present (decorate a room!), but you could plan ahead.

Possible time killing activities;
Plan a holiday
Write very early Christmas letters or catch up with old friends
Decorate a room
Sort and file stuff
Clear out unwanted clothes
Study a free online course
Get creative and make stuff for Christmas presents
Rate stuff on trip advisor
On-line shopping
Take the dog a walk
Write your memoirs
Read all those novels you never had time for
Have you any other suggestions?

Spending time at home during the day has made me see just how dirty my windows are (quite disgusting if Im honest lol) so thats sadly going on my list :wink:


J x

I’m planning on doing a family tree, I am also going to sort out all my loose photos and get them in to albums. I also am having my sewing machine, which I haven’t used for years, mended, and then thought I might get crafty in the run up to Christmas.

Thanks Hawkie , hevga and Ann. Funnily enough, I have been inspired to clean my disgusting windows, set up my sewing machine that has not been touched for years and even get a jig saw app for my ipad.
Planning on decorating our bedroom.

There’s lots I would like to do but don’t have the energy to do under Chemo. It’s quite frustrating as normally I’m quite mentally active. Staring at cooking programmes (which I don’t normally watch) has helped me through though:smileyhappy: