Bowen therapy

Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this? I’ve had one treatment on my very creaky, aching shoulder/top of arm and it’s been like a miracle!! From taking quite a lot of Ibuprofen on a daily basis, I think I’ve taken two tablets in whole of the last week. I’m having another treatment tomorrow (think I’m having three in total) but would strongly recommend anyone to try it - apparently it can help with all manner of conditions.

Hi Lesley, Just picked up this thread and saw your message. It sounds brilliant. I’m going away today for a week but I’ll definitely check it out when I’m back as the shoulder and back pains are cruel on Arimidex. I’ve got spine mets as well as the liver, so that doesn’t help either!

Thanks a lot, take care, Love Dianne x x x

Hi Lesley

Wow what a brilliant result so pleased for you, how great to have such a result after just one session. Very impressive will check out in my area would so love to try something like this instead of more meds.

Love Anne x x

I’d been having some complementary therapies at the hospice - reflexology etc and the therapist wasn’t keen to do even light massage on my painful shoulder because of my bone mets so she referred me to the Bowen therapist who is also based at our local hospice - therefore it’s all free!! Might be worth checking out if it’s the same in your area :wink:

Lesley xx

Wow that makes it even better!! Will definately check it out Lesley sounds excellent, fingers crossed. Enjoy your next sessions.

Anne x x

hi lesley,
i am also having bowen at st margrets, had my first one last week and though not a lot of difference in arm, i felt so de stressed and relaked when i came away, cant wait for the next one!

Hi Mandy - glad to hear you’re getting the free treatments too! I thought it was my imagination at first that the pain had gone, but it really has! I’ve been sitting at my computer typing for hours this week and have hardly felt a twinge. I hope the treatment starts to work for you very soon - and yes, it is very relaxing, I just wanted to sleep afterwards lol.
Lesley x

I had my bilateral mast two years ago this week, and after a while had 2 frozen shoulders, I had 4 Bowen treatments as well as physio, but really believe that it worked, the pain eased and now have just about full movement back. Glad to hear that its free in some places now! Hope it works for you too!