Brain Mets - Please help x

Hi Girls… Just looking for some advice and support from any of you who have experienced the same thing :slight_smile:

My mum has stage 4 BC with mets to lung, rib, chest and has recently been diagnosed with 2 spots on brain.

Mums full story is on my profile if u wish to have a look.

However, the main reason for this topic is to get your perspective on brain mets. Mum is having 10 whole brain radiations but what happens after that?

Thanks in advance

Lv Ruth xxxxxx

HI Ruth, noticed your thread and thought I’d bump it up, things get lost so quick on here, bw Nicola

Hi ruth
I’m sorry to hear about your mum. The first thing I’d say is to expect incredible fatigue from the RT for about 4 weeks after the treament. I was sleeping up to 16 hours a day and found anything where I had to concentrate and especially being around small children exhausting!!
What treatment your mum will have will depend very much on where the mets are, what treatment she has had before etc. I had femara for 15 months and am now on capecitebane both of which pass through the blood brain barrier, not all chemos do. I also have had 2 lots of surgery and 2 lots of RT. Had an MRI last week and have my fingers for no progression


Im sorry to hear about your mum.

I had 5 sessions of wbr in february. then back on chemo docetaxel.

Im curious too myself I dont know what next! im on chemo for my liver spread, should have a scan this month hopefully so see what they say… but like your mum i dont know what next !

Hopin your mums doin ok x