
I remember being told to buy non wired bras, but can not remember if she said a size bigger or not. Any advice greatly apprehiated - I am having a quandrectomy (i think that is a WLE by another name) and a sentinel node biopsy. Thank you in advance.

Hi, Anne,
Like you I was told to buy a size bigger…after several rather funny fitting sessions, giving several different sizes I ended up with a black, rather frumpy size 38 D. I decided that no way was I ever going to fill that ( usually 36 B and I think I could have used it to paraglide across the channel!!), I rechecked with my bc nurse who said it was a CUP size bigger, so I returned it, and found a really comfy cooton non-wired bra which has been fine.
The quadrantectomy/axillary node dissection was done and I was sent out with an elasticated bodice which I found comfortable for the first few days, so hope this info helps.
Good luck with your op

HI Anne

I have just had a lumpectomy and removal of sample lymph nodes. I went for a slightly larger size, but not much. I don’t know how swollen my breast is, as it still looks the same size as before. I am hoping it won’t reduce too much! My scar is at the top of the breast.I find I can wear a soft cotton bra comfortably. I bought a pack of two from the Tesco value range, as I wasn’t sure whether I would ever wear them again. Also, I am finding that my drain leaks a bit, so I need to keep putting them in the wash. Perhaps black would be a better choice than white!


Thank you for that, I am going shopping tomorrow. Julie do you still have the drain in? Or is it the drain site leaking.
Meg - how long ago did you have your op? Did it make much difference to the size or shape of your breast. Sorry just trying the prepare myself.

Hi Anne

Yes I still have the drain in and it is leaking a bit, not much. You may have already been shopping by now, but another tip - Nighties or pyjamas which button up at the front are best, as it is awkward getting things over your head. Also, try and get them with wide/loose arms to give you as much freedom as possible. I am up and about and dressed. I am wearing a blouse which buttons up the front at the moment and wish I had bought a couple more. I could also do with a baggy cardigan with big sleeves or similar for when I go out, as this would cover up the tube without restricting it. They gave me a little shoulder bag at the hospital to carry the bottle in, which is great. You can’t see the bottle at all, only the tube coming out. However, I think they have different types of drains, depending on the hospital. I remind myself of one of the Ghostbusters! I feel fine. My work colleagues are coming to visit me this afternoon. Try not to worry. It really isn’t bad at all,honest. I was expecting my arm to hurt a lot and it isn’t half as bad as I was expecting. I can do most things myself already. I am using my arm as much as possible to keep it moving. I have not been taking pain killers at all, so that should give you and idea as to how low the pain is.

Happy shopping.

Lots of love.


Hi Anne
I had my first op on 26th June, then a reexcision on 27th July. I was only in overnight for the first, and a day case for the second. I had a drain which was removed before I went home, but they did say I might go home with it, and district nurses came to my home to check all was well.

As Julie says front fastening loose or stretchy tops are good. Also they gave me exercises to help regain mobility with a physiotherpist showing me how to do them. They said to take painkillers to help to make this more comfortable,and I did, but was able to cope ok most of the time otherwise.
I was also given a very soft, washable, cylindrical cushion by my sister who uses hers for neck pain, and this helps support the arm when I sit down, and in bed.
The ops have not made much difference to either the size or shape, maybe slightly flatter along the scar, which incidentally is much neater than I anticipated, and doesn’t show even with a sleeveless top.
When are you going in? I found the waiting the worst part, and wish I had joined this earlier as it would have been so helpful (only joined this week)
Take care