Brca Testing/Surgery & Insurance



I had BC  11 years ago, aged 31,  & at the time we had no family history, so it seemed like just random bad luck.

In the last few years 2 cousins have been diagnosed and very sadly since died of the disease.

I finally feel ready to have a gene test & preventative  breast surgery assuming  it’s positive ( it’s taken me ages to digest/accept news of the  highly likely brca link, as it came at a time when I was feeling chuffed to have been in the clear almost a decade). 


Anyway, my question is  has anyone had any luck with insurance companies paying for the test and/or the surgery, and if so do you have any tips on how to handle them?  I have private insurance, and I am keen to use my amazing surgeon to do the op, if I have it. I have heard that insurance companies don’t always pay for these, so I was just looking for any advice anyone may have on finding their way round this loop. 


Thank you so much!



Hi Bel,


I can share my experience with you - only relating to medical cover. I had medical insurance with work. I had it for many years as it was a perk and it went unused. So I was covered for the treatment of my first breast cancer. They paid for the first consultation with the genetics consultant but not the gene test itself as it was ‘preventative’ (something like that). Then I found out I did indeed have a brac1 mutation and so I asked if they would pay for my surgery. They did.  You can look at the terms and conditions and I think mine would pay because I had had breast cancer already, but I think my medical insurer realised the extent of my risk. You would need to either ask, or ask them for the terms and conditions - mine were relatively simple to understand. I have not found them to be discriminatory at all but I did run into a major problem when my employer decided to end its contract with them- leaving me completely out on a limb. I am not sure whether anyone else would cover me!


Let me know if I can be of any further help.



Hi bel

Presuming you are not from the UK as here the test and treatment are funded by the NHS. They use the Evans score and NICE guidelines for working out if you would get tested.

This isn’t usually cousins unless they are dads brothers daughters but even then it may be considered too far removed as they normally include 1st and 2nd degree relatives and not 3rd degree relatives such as cousins or great aunts.

There is a very good website called Brca umbrella which has lots of non UK ladies too and pre and post surgery pictures.

As most people in the UK don’t have private insurance you may find speaking to others from the same country will have more info and maybe even the same insurance company.

Lulu x

Hi,I think your first step is to get the gene test. You need a referral from your GP but the criteria is two family members. This may take up to 6 months to come through. Then if you are positive it is in the realms of preventative meds which would be cheaper than full cancer.
Not tried it myself but this seems logical
Good Luck. I have had 2 BC have sister with BC and another sister with Bile cancer. I am not a drinker, smoker and only a small bit over weight but eat a lot of fruit and veg and excersie daily. No genetic link. So your cousin could have been just bad luck.
Nette x

Thanks Lulu
I will check the site.