Break from Herceptin

Hi Everyone
My onc has just called me and advised that I wont be having my next herceptin due to the results from my muga scan. I will have to miss the one after that as well as I will be recovering from my masectomy. This has scared me, Im 31 and had a healthy heart when they started me on the herceptin. I have now had 7 cycles of herceptin and my onc wants to discuss my muga results in a couple of weeks. Will they tell me I cant have anymore? Or do they give you a little break then start you up again?
Im worried… Thanks xx

Hi KerryRose

My Herceptin was stopped in June after 12 infusions because of a decrease in my heart function which had showed up in a routine echocardiogram. I have since had a heart MRI scan which shows an improvement in the LVF in a space of 5 weeks and my oncologist is off the opinion that 12 infusions are sufficient but because I want to complete the recommended 17 he is happy enough to let me resume the Herceptin next week. My cancer was Grade 3 with lymph node involvement and I want to get myself every chance to try and prevent re-occurance.
