'Breakfast' with Debsincornwall

Wow Debs! Everything came to a standstill in this household while you were on, you were brilliant. I loved the bit about you taking over the buying for the NHS - have they offered you the job yet? Seriously though, you got the message across and made some telling points - you couldn’t do more so well done.

Even more important - so glad the treatment is working for you, long may it continue.


Yes… well done Debs, I just switched on and there you were! You looked fab (lovely bandana) and did a very good interview, making your points clearly and assertively. Respect!

Louise x

Wow what did I miss? is there a summary somewhere or a you tube clip? I have been thinking a lot about this top up things its a total disgrace, also its typical for politicians they wont admit they are wrong, they comission a review to take the sting out of it…Debs what would you suggest people do to keep up the pressure?


Hi to all,
thank you so much for your comments, I had a phone call on Monday from the BBC they were expecting a statement on Wed so asked if they could send a crew to film I said yes because as some of you know I have really strong feelings about co-payment. Because of the media frenzy Alan Johnson made his announcement a day early. I didnt know until 7am that I would be linked up to the man he has asked to do the review. I was only on a few minutes and not able to get my points across but I will keep up the pressure.

I think it is important that we contact our MPs and local radio stations when there are phone ins. I did an interview for radio Cornwall yesterday as well and that sounds o.k. If they can hear us it will be alot more difficult to ignore us.

Love Debsxxx

Hi Debs - was this on the national news or local one? Was looking out for DianeW last night but apparently hers was only shown on STV.

Liz xx

Hi ,
I couldnt find Diane I checked ITV website dont know if mine is on BBC.

Love Debsxxx

Well done Debs - I think you came across very well. (And you look so well - I hate people telling me that when I feel lousy but you do!) Thanks for your continued campaigning and I will write to MP - not just about co-payment but also about Nice - my concern is that if they allow co-payment Nice might get even slower…


Hi Geraldine
I know where you are coming from I did want to ask about holding drugs back but I was cut off in my prime (so to speak} With any luck I will be able to do a face to face mind you if he takes the same holidays as the MPs he will be packing his bucket and spade as I type.
Will keep up the pressure thanks for your support

Love Debsxxx.