Breast cancer and adoption

Hi, i’m wondering if anyone has been through the adoption process after having a breast cancer diagnosis? I was 29 when diagnosed and its nearly 3 years on…i hope that I am right in assuming at this moment in time that i’m cancer free…however my question is (as an early medical awaits me) is my future considered stable enough (health wise) to allow me to continue with the process? If not now,when would a ‘medical’ consider me a safe(r) bet? Thanks Emma

Hi I am like you in that I was 28 when diagnosed 3 years ago. Just been through first stage of adoption process in other words passing the medical issue and police checks etc. We are about to begin the next stage. The medical side of things was not a problem apart from taking a long time due to letters going missing for my consultant who was really for it as was GP. Hope all goes well for you. x

Thank you very much for your response…it kinda gives me something to go on…as we were feeling very much in a void!!!.much appreciated indeed…all very exciting and scary eh…i wish you well on the next stage…home visits, questions questions questions etc Thanks again x