Hello all, I’m new here but I wanted to share with you a new project I just launched this week, the Breast Cancer Art Project - www.breastcancerartproject.com
It’s a place for people who have or had breast cancer to express themselves through the power of art.
It’s brand new so there isn’t a lot of content there yet, but do check it out, and perhaps you might like to contribute - you really don’t need to be arty! Photography, writing, poetry etc all welcome too, in additon to painting and drawings. If you can make a mark or write a word, you can create!
I hope you like the prjoect, and please do share around - it would be great to see it take off, and hopefully help ladies who have been through the crappiness that is breast cancer. I’m only 2 weeks post LD Flap reconstruction so I know it all too well.
Much love.