breast cancer returned after five years

i was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. it has reoccured on the same side in april 2010 and i am currently having chemo again!
i am finding the fatigue very trying this time and am starting to feel very sorry for myself. has anyone any tips how to cope with fatigue. would be so pleased to hear from anyone in a similar position. thanks. nancy b

Hi Nancy

Sorry to read of your recurrence. It sucks, doesn’t it? I have one too, after 5 and a half years so have some idea of how you’re feeling. Did you have chemotherapy first time? I didn’t but am this time as the recurrence was in the nodes rather than the breast (still lost my breast, docs wanted to be on the safe side :-().

I’m also having chemotherapy at the moment - finished 4xAC 9 days ago, waiting to start 4xTax once I’ve given birth in a couple of months (am pg with second child). I too am knackered, some days better than others and this cycle has been the best so far, but I’m still needing so much sleep.

I really didn’t think I’d be seeing cancer again after more than 5 years. How are you feeling about it all?

xx Jane

Hi Nancy,

I’m so sorry that you are dealing with this again. I can’t imagine how you are feeling.

I’m having chemo too, have got my sixth and final one next week. I’m really fatigued now too.

I ended up in hospital with an infection after my fifth and when my ONC came to see me he said he thinks I was trying to do too much. He suggested alternating days. I have one day where I try and do something (anything I fancy doing - mainly trying to do something with my boys) then plan on having a sofa/duvet day with nothing planned. Then if I don’t feel up to much I can have a guilt free duvet day and don’t have to do anything. But if I feel good it’s a bonus.

He also suggested only doing stuff you want to do as it lifts the spirits. We live near the beach and I love taking the kids and dog to the beach so I do that whenever I feel well.

I never thought I would be able to but I accept all help offered when I’m feeling rubbish. My best friend comes straight in and hoovers and then we have a cup of tea and gossip.

How many more cycles have you got?


hi jane thanks for getting back to me. you rather put me to shame as i see you are expecting your second baby. as if that wasnt enough to cope with.yes i had fec treatment the last time and i dont remember being so tired on having taxotere this time and even walking up the stairs has me wrecked and i find not being able to do things is making me very weepy. am always being told you are nrealy there which really doesnt help when you are frustrated. i didnt think i would be meeting cancer again so soon. i was very shocked and still have moments of blind panic about not being around for my family. think too pepole react differently to you when they find out you have had cancer twice!

hi jo
have two more cycles of taxotere to go first being this wednesday. i am really struggling with the fatigue and the pains in hands legs and feet. cant sleep very well some nights. not sure that i will be able to cope with the next 2 because i dont sem to have any days when i feel reasonably myself! good idea from your onc. i tell mine and she just seems to dish out more steroids which i think are making mje very weepy! good luck with your last chemo would be so glad to hear how you are doing nancy b

Hi Nancyb,
Sorry to hear your dx and your struggles. I had 6 x tax and the first 2 treatments were ok, slighlty tired, but not too bad.

Cycles 3 & 4 were horrible, legs and back aches 7 pains…I took paracetomal regularly to keep the pains at bay and I slept with a pillow under my legs to try & get comfy. My feet & fingers tingled & burned. Not much seemed to help, when I spoke to chemo nurses the main info was to keep as cool as poss, wear rubber gloves, moisturise… they gave me E45 cream. My nails went yellow, then black & 6 assorted nails are falling off, but aren’t hurting as much now. (last tax 30/06/10).Tired all the time, but did same as Jo 1 day doing things, 1 day not! I made myself worse by trying to do to much and ended up in tears and in bed for a while.

Cycles 5 & 6, still had lots of symptoms, but almost felt as though I was getting used to them, which made coping easier. Also I didn’t really do very much, started shopping on line, using ready meals if nec, etc. so much less to worry about. I “think” steroids can alter moods.
Is your GP approachable, might be an idea to speak to him / her? Have you spoken to the chemo nurses about your SE’s? Ours are very helpful and kind.There is also the BCC helpline, a nurse will discuss things with you at length, might be worth a try too.

Treatment is doable, horrible, but doable! Just focus on the fact you are more than half way through, only 2 more to go.Don’t beat yourself up re tirdness, coping etc. You are going through so much at the moment, emotionally as much as medically.

Not sure if this helps, hope so!

All the best, Sandra x

thanks sandra. much appreciate your reply. helps me recognise that i am not alone in this journey! last time i had cancer one of my best friends was going through it at the same time and we were able to support each other through it. have yours pains eased since finishing your treatment? from reading some of the posts it seems to continue for a while after. wishing you all the best nancy b

Hi nancyb,
Some of the aches & pains took a while to go…about 7-8 weeks, others were a bit quicker.I still have a slight back ache, not too terrible tho’ My main problem has been acid reflux,I’m trying a few different things to try & control it, Gaviscon seems the best so far!
Hope you are feeling a bit better knowing you are not alone!
Sandra x