Breast cancer

Have been diagnosied with breast cancer on 27th March, have my mastectomy on 16th April, am so scared, need friends who have been through this. Am 54 on 14th of May!X x x


it is a very , very scary place to be in, im three years down the line, I was diagnised 3 years ago today, so have been reflecting a bit today. No one can take the feeling of terror from you right now, but many will help you get over this, it can be treated, and for me I feel better now than I did before I was introduced to my breast buddy. I had mast ,recon and chemo, now on hormones. It did take a full year to get over physically, mentally im still workin on it, but I am happy, never thought id say that. This time 3 years ago my glass was not half empty,I had no glass!!!. wish I could take the anxiety from you.

Please believe all who write on this site, it is very , very hard and life changing, but you will do it , you just will

take care vxx

Hi Trishk. I was diagnosed in 2010 - was 55 when diagnosed and know exactly what you are going through - I had a Masectomy too - the waiting is the worst and its common to think the worst - i remember waking up in the middle of the night every night thinking dark thoughts - There is light at the end of the tunnel though - you will get through it - there are many many ladies on here who have gone through the whole breast cancer journey and we are still here to tell the tale and its surprising how much inner strength you find. Do you know the type of cancer you have and are they doing a node biopsy at the same time to check your nodes? sometimes its scary to ask lots of questions but you will find that the more you know about your diagnosis the easier it is to come to terms with it. whatever you do don’t google - if you need to know anything ask on here there is a wealth of knowledge and also the BCC helpline is magnificent is giving advice too. Take care and good luck with your op on 16th. xx

Hi Trishk

I too was diagnosed over the Easter period 8 years ago. Like truffle shuffle and saffronseed,it was a very dark time, hated the waiting for the mastectomy,I think we all get through it in whatever way is best for us. I felt very alone (had no idea about these forums back in the day!) You will find loads of support here. I was 46 when diagnosed, am 54 now - so yes, you will get through it, no, it’s not easy, but the important thing is that it is do-able. Like saffronseed I think its good to ask questions about your diagnosis and your treatment - you will then know what’s coming as after mastectomy your treatment will vary depending on what stage and grade your cancer is, or whether is is hormone positive or not. Some people need more treatment than others. You will get he treatment package that is right for you. Iam still here 8 years on, they have not always been easy but here I am, still working and enjoying my life! You can phone the BCC helpline as saffromseed says, but they are unlikely to be open over the bank holiday, so probably best to phone them on Tueaday. They are brilliant.

Take care and be easy on yourself. Love Mo xx

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 28th March.I have found this feed useful. Thank you for the positive encouragement

I too was diagnosed on the 28th march, and still waiting for treatment plans…on weds 11th…xxx

I know that I have to have a mastctomy, left breast on Tuesday 24th April. Nurse thinks I will be offered chemo. They are still investigating a thickening in right breast. Cells came back as indeterminate. I have to have a guided core biospy on Friday 13th. Felt really low yesterday. Had a good cry and smoked salmon for breakfast and felt a bit better.

I think this forum is going to help.

Good luck Lisa123 for Wednesday.

Lisa123, I have my pre op that day so you will be in my thoughts xx