Breast clinic appointment today

Well today’s the day after a 4 week wait my appointment (originally 9wks but that’s another story) is here - I have tried convincing myself they wont find anything - but still terrified at the what if prospect. Hubby is coming with me as he is the only one I have told about it - and hopefully he will be the only one that ever need know - one stop breast clinic so should get results today. Good luck to everyone waiting or receiving treatment - take care x

Will be thinking of you and good luck…

Theresa x

Good luck for today, you have had a long enough wait! Love Debs xx

I also have my appointment today and just like yourself I am terrified!
I wish you all the luck in the world! I will have my fingers crossed and everything else also :slight_smile:
Good luck to all and good luck with the appointment!! You will be in my thoughts along with everyone else who is riding this emotional rollercoaster with us!
With love,
Bea xxx

Good Luck to you both…and anyone else having an appt today!

Wishing you good luck and the results you are hoping for.

Good luck to everyone with appointments today
Philidel x

Good luck today ladies … I have everything crossed for you both …

Take good care
Sue xxxx

Thanks to all for the good wishes so much, really cheered me up as i’m sure it will for lindyd also :)This site is a godsend just being able to talk about this and the support everyone extends here :slight_smile:

I just got back and am being sent for an ultrasound evaluation. Aparently this is better than a mammogram for me as i’m under 35.
The consultant found another mass in my left breast also but doesn’t seem to concerned with that at the moment, just the hard mass in the right. So fingers crossed, I shall have to wait and see!

Lindyd I hope all has gone well today, fingers still crossed for you :slight_smile:

Thanks again all and good luck with everything :slight_smile:

Apologies, cheer up may not be the right term in respect to lindyd seeing as she may get the all clear or (I hope not) receive a diagnosis. I should say am sure it will mean a lot to lindyd to know she is in peoples thoughts and wishes :slight_smile:

Am rubbish with words sometimes :slight_smile:

Love to all,

Bea - don’t worry i am sure Lindy will understand - i hope you get good news when you go back for the ultrasound…

Theresa x

Thanks so much Theresa :slight_smile:

I hope all is going well for you :slight_smile:


Thank you all so much for your support - Well yesterday was my appointment and I GOT THE ALL CLEAR!

relieved doesn’t even start to explain how I feel - Mammogram, ultra sound and examination by doctor = all clear - only explanation given was that it is possible hormonal. After the possibility of a 9 week wait and then reduced to 4 (which was long enough) I Can not believe how quick it all was appointment at 2.20 leaving hospital at 3.30 with results - it does however make me wonder how we are treated as women made to go through the torture and hell of not knowing and waiting when my case proves its possible to have 3 examinations and get results within an hour.

Bea I hope it all turns out well for you too - fingers crossed.

Thank you again everyone for all your support on here I wish you all good luck at what ever part of your journey you are on - hugs and best wishes - take care Love Linda x