Hi everyone
Well I had my appointment at the breast clinic today. It was supposed to be a one stop appointment. I had worked myself up and was sick with nerves.
I was seen pretty quickly, within 5 minutes of arrival. I was checked over by a lady doctor(?) and then by a consultant. They seemed more concerned by a firmness at the top of my breast than the lump itself and requested a mammogram followed by an ultrasound and then a biopsy.
I went for the mammogram which was quite an experience but was then told that there were no appointments available today for the ultrasound. I have to return on Tuesday for that,
I returned to the breast clinic to report about the ultrasound and the lady doctor(?) told me to make an appointment for next Friday to see her and for the biopsy. She told me not to worry as she thinks it will turn out to be nothing.
So off I went to reception to make an appointment for next Friday only to be told they will have to speak with the nurse and send an appointment out. I am assuming that there are no appointments available for next Friday.
So here I am, with a sore chest from the mammogram but no wiser as to what is going on with me. Wondering if I can take the lady doctors(?) comment not to worry as it will probably turn out to be nothing or, if I should still be concerned.
The mammogram and the ultrasound will show something if there is something to be shown won’t they? The doctor said thay are doing a biopsy of the firm bit at the top of my breast rather than the lump. They don;t seem unduly bothered by the lump.
Maybe I should just put it out of my mind and stop thinking about it. I am disappointed not to have had it all sorted out today though.
Thank you for ‘listening’
Thinking of you all
Bev x
Sorry to hear that the one stop clinic has not turned out to be a one stop for you. I was referred to a private hospital but was not aware at the time that they did not do mammograms and ultra sound so I didn’t get a one stop either… I was referred to another hospital for them and was lucky enuff to get an appointment for the following day but they had to send the report back to the consultant at the 1st hospital and I saw him again the following week.
If they are not unduly worried about the lump itself I would take that as a good sign.
The waiting is horrendous I know and it’s difficult not to worry. Hope that all works out ok for you and you are given the all clear.
Hi Bev
How frustrating for you! Just when you think you will know once and for all, this happens! I guess the lady doctor was a registrar? The mammogram and ultrasound will show up anything unusual. If I was you, I would take the doctors comments as a very positive reassurance. OK, without all the tests, it is inconclusive so there is always a tiny risk that she is wrong, but these doctors see breasts day in day out and get to know what is good and what is not and if she had any doubts she wouldnt say anything at all. They never flower things up, believe me! Your news looks good, but I know you won’t be completely relieved until the tests are over. So, hang on to what the doctors said and have a good weekend.
Thank you 
Do you know what, i think I believe you guys more than I believed the doctor! You have been through it so you really Do know. Now i feel I can enjoy the weekend and NOT worry.
Thank you so much for your reassurance.
Bev xx
I got all my test done in one day and was told there was cause for concern so if your doctor tells you that there no need to worry I would listen normally the ultrasound picks up on lumps its maybe just fibrious tissue you have I do hope so I know this isnt easy but try to relax hun one day at time and everything will work out if not were here to talk to anytime of day
I had a non palpable tumour that was picked up on a regular 3 yrly mammo at a travelling unit - when I was recalled to the breast care centre at my nearest hospital I went to see my GP, she had a feel and couldn’t find anything - in either breast! So, yes, mammos and ultrasounds can pick up “lumps” deep in the breast. However, I was told at the 3 step appt that some 80% of women referred to the breast care clinic with lumps, turn out not to be malignant - unfortunately, mine was, but I am so grateful for those 3 yrly mammos.
I too don’t think the dr would have said “probably nothing to worry about” after she had seen the mammo if she was concerned - they usually know what a malignant lump looks like.
Hope the ultrasound and biopsy show no malignancy.
Thank you everyone.
The doctor hadn’t yet seen the mammo when I spoke to her. I had only just had it done and had been told there were no appointments available for the ultrasound. I have to return on Tuesday for the ultrasound then again on Friday for the biopsy.
The doctor gave me a slip to take to reception to make the appointment for the biopsy but they didn’t have an appointment and were going to speak to her and then send me one out so, I am doubting very much that I will be having a biopsy this Friday.
Nevertheless I remaining very postive. I feel a bit better now I am at least in the system so to speak, its the initial waiting that is the worst.
I am having quite a bit of pain in my breast though, like a burning pain all down the left outer side and in my armpit, it also extends onto my collar bone. I’m also having what feels like a ‘tugging’ behind my nipple. All of that is getting me down a bit because it’s more or less constant. I just hope it is something that will clear up and not something I just have to live with. I already take 3000mg of evening primrose a day, have done for years. I’ve tried ibuprofen but I still feel some of the pain.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest (no pun intended)
I am so sorry you are having to go through your experiences with brest cancer but I am so grateful for your reassuring words. You really are wonderful people to take the time to help other women when you are going through such trauma yourselves.
Wishing you all a lovely bank holiday weekend
Bev x