Breast clinic didn’t give me reassurance


I am 25F and have had an itchy nipple for around 2+ months. The last month I have had a small red area which is non itchy on the left side along with the nipple itching so my GP sent me to the breast clinic, the lady said she did not want to do any tests as she believes it’s a skin issue but I’m not reassured as it isn’t going with any creams or cortisones. I asked her about Paget’s disease and she confirmed it isn’t this but she hardly checked. The nipple was previously pierced so she said it might be scar tissue but it’s driving me mad and I can’t stop worrying. Has anyone had anything similar?

[Edit] This photo has been removed by a moderator for privacy reasons.

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It’s hard when you don’t feel re-assured by the doctors response . Some doctors unfortunately just seem to have that manner . What they are telling you is very probably true and it’s nothing to worry about but you do have a right to a second opinion if you are not happy with the consultation so maybe go back and talk to your GP and explain how you feel ?

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PS the moderators will remove your photo for privacy reasons . Hope all turns out well :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Oops sorry I should’ve probably read the conditions. Yes she just seemed very blase perhaps because of my age or because it was so busy in there when I went in. I really wish I pushed for a test. Thank you for responding xx

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I’ve had doctors like that too , it’s very frustrating when you are so worried . It’s unusual to get breast cancer at your age but not impossible so they should really take your worries seriously . Go back to GP tell them how you feel and ask if you can have a second opinion . Hopefully the second doctor will make you feel more re-assured. Maybe remove the photo yourself - it’s just because the forum is not a private group , anyone can see your photo .
Let us know how you get on .

Go for a second opinion always trust your instincts
I went to the doctors with a pain what felt like a strain from my armpit to my chest and both breasts were really itchy which I thought was strange no lumps were felt they sent me for a mammogram
Unfortunately has come back with cancer in both breasts but please don’t be alarmed by my story again you have a right for a second opinion you should never ignore slight changes x

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Ask to be re-referred for a nipple punch biopsy and/or scan.

I don’t want to scare you but I had an itchy nipple, slight rash in 2016 (I was 32)- after much to & fro from GP thinking it was eczema or contact dermatitis - I finally got referred to Breast clinic - even the consultant said she thought it was eczema and nothing to worry about. I had no scans at the time but a punch biopsy.

Anyway- fast forward a couple of weeks and I had Pagets of my left nipple. They did a mammogram and found extensive high grade DCIS in my breast too. Double mastectomy/radiotherapy.

8 years on, I have just been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer- it’s back- this time spread to my liver. I’m waiting treatment.

Please push push push. You know your body. Get a second opinion . Be satisfied all is well. I found I wasn’t taken seriously when I was 32 as I was an anomaly and Pagets is rare and mostly for 65+ women. But it happens . Good luck.