breast clinic

Hi all just found a lump in my right breast went to Dr now got a 2 week wait for my first appointment am so worried it’s going to be a long 2 weeks what happens at the first appointment

Hi June, you may not have to wait that long, I went to docs on the Friday and the clinc rang me on the Monday and gave me appointment for that Thursday, at the clinic I was checked by a breast surgeon then sent for a mammogram then ultrasound, they are very thorough and very lovely, they may biopsy if they find anything, I had one but it wasn’t painful and they look after you very well xx

Hi June , me to I didn’t wait a week either , my first time in a breast clinic . First I saw an assessment nurse who talked me through the procedure … First a little grope (examination) then a little squeeze (Mammogram) then a little massage (ultrasound) it’s a bit like a date … Your only unlucky if you end up with a little prick (biopsy) !!!
All the nurses and radiographer where lovely , very kind and professional . Unfortunately for me I ended up with 3 biopsys of my left baby , I’m waiting on my results … Although it’s very stressful I’m so glad I went … If it’s bad news thank god I went and didn’t leave it too late … If it’s good news thank god I went as I will certainly be more breast aware for sure !!! Xx

Got my appointment now 5th may the waiting is the hardest it’s stressing me out hope everything comes back ok for you both