Hi this is my first post so hello to all. I’m 38 and had my first mammogram a couple of months ago. I was called back due to an abnormality in my L breast but after having another digital mammogram and an ultrasound fortunately it came back normal. I requested to be sent my medical notes and when looking at my mammogram it was noted I had breast density both breasts. I don’t know the percentrage of my breast density but it looks quite high. It’s scattered so it’s hard to judge myself. I also have a family history of bc. Mum diagnosed 10 yrs ago, 2 auties (mum’s side) and my dad who passed away of lung cancer which spread to the brain and heart. I’m considering a double mastectomy due to the breast density as I’m 5 times likely to develop bc. This hasn’t been confirmed but it looks like there could be a link between breast density and bc.
Is this quite normal in woman to have breast density and should I go on tamoxifen to decrease it?
Hi Jane i have replied to your other post… But in terms tamoxifen the new NICE guidelines have recommended that high risk women should be offered tamoxifen for 5 years and that it would even be useful to offer it to moderate risk women like yourself.
How the tamoxifen is administered was not mentioned in the guidelines… So it might be helpful to speak to your genetic team in the first instance and they could refer you to your GP for tamoxifen if they think this is the best way for you to go.
Most, if not all women under 50 have dense breasts. This is why there is no breast screening mammograms for women under 50. Breast density alone doesn’t mean you are more likely to get breast cancer. Of course, the family history will put you at higher risk. Tamoxifen won’t decrease breast density, it will just decrease Oestrogen and is usually used for women/men who have had a hormone sensitive breast cancer. But can be used on those who are high risk.
Very happy your results came back normal. Take care.
Thats everyone for your comments. I did read that younger woman have dense breasts and will decrease in age. I didn’t realise that was the reason you don’t have mammograms under the age of 50. That’s good to know. My aunties were diangosed in early 40’s so that’s whats worrying me too. I’ll speak to my Doctor about Tamoxifin as I didn’t know about these guidelines. I’ve also been researching the benefits of Vitamin D and calcium. Might give that a try too. There’s no evidence suggesting it decreasing breast density or prevents cancer but reading some of the studies it looks quite promising.