Breast dimple for a year

Hi i discovered a dimple on the underside of my right breast just over a year ago (like a thumbprint in playdoh). I got reffered to breast specialist and had an ultrasound…the lady was very thorough and coukdnt found a reason for the dimple she was happy it was just a normal breast change and “sometimes just happens after children and breast feeding”. I was obv very relieved but i just cant help but constantly worry she coukd have missed something serious.i did have a massive overprodution of breast milk and leaked constantly… im hoping as its been over a year and its no bigger but obv still there it cant be cancer as im sure it would be deeper.ive got another drs appt to put my mind at rest in a fortnight but was just wondering if anyone else has dimples that have been nothing… i do feel a tingle in the breast but it could be my mind and anxiety playing part. Thanks for reading xx

Thankyou…i will x

Hi jojo,

Well you’re certainly doing the right thing in getting it checked out. For any breast changes, bc is the _least _likely cause especially for someone if your age, so most likely It’s nothing serious.

Inevitably, anxiety goes with the territory, but it’s best to carry on as normal & distract yourself until you’ve been seen.

ann x

Thankyou for taking time to reply…i did this last year when i first found it and was such a mess i had to stop myself crying all the time and thought really negative thoughts…i ended up at emerg drs at 2am having a panic talking myself into having bc again and now
Even more convinced as i feel i have
A swelling not
Lump in the armpit of same breast… its slightly tender and asumen it was just fat…but now petrified its in the nodes. Is it posdible they could miss it in a ultrasound scan? Im sure the dent would be deeper by now if it was though?? Sorry im just so worried. I am my own worst enemy i feel i cant be lucky enough to have 2 healthy children and a happy life…always waiting for something bad to happen and i fear this is it xx

Thankyou ann xx

Hi i just wanted to come bk and fill people in just incase they read in future.i went for my breast clinic appt today and had a ultrasound to be told theres no lump and although i do have a dimple it is common to get them for non cancerous reasons. Apparently we have ligaments holding the breasts to our body and its as simple as one is pulling tighter than the others and causing the dimple for me, i also over the area of dimple have a change in breast tissue density and thats also causing change in apperance. But again this is normal tissue and causes and just to keep looking for new changes.obviously i feel v relieved and funnily enough now my anxietys dripped so has the pain in the breast i was getting.i just want women to know that not all dimple/pukering is cancer and until the diagnosis is made keep calm as tgeres many otger things to cause this.thanks for the support xxx

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Thankyou both v much…anxiety is awful was hoping my post would calm others down. Im very lucky and gratefull. Just a shame not everyone gets the same rests.thanks for caring xx