To anyone out there newly diagnosed and considering joining these forums. Today I met 6 of the wonderful, strong, inspirational women I have ever had the pleasure to know. We are some of the January 2018 cohort. Together we dragged ourselves along that chemo journey and beyond sometimes kicking and screaming, tears flowed as we shared stories and encouraged one another. For 10 months we have been each other’s best friends, encouraging and understanding like no one else. I honestly don’t know how I would have managed without them all. There are a few more of us and I’m hoping to meet those unable to make today at another cocktail furled meal in the new year.
So if you don’t know if this place is for you please try it. It was our lifeline. And a special mention to our guardian Angel Shi ??who made us smile? sourced is help?and generally ??? Crazied us out. Love ya Shi we toasted you today ??
Great to see you doing this ?.
October 17 chemo thread was a life line to me. I have met quite a few of our ladies, we had a glamorous afternoon tea in London in August and now have a chatty WhatsApp group and there have been many more meet ups. I’m hoping to go to one in March and can’t wsit.
You will get invaluable support, love and laughter from people who truly understand.
There is a thread for each month of new starters so plenty of advice out there.
Glad you enjoyed your meeting xx