Hi…a few weeks ago I noticed an indentation on my left breast. I can only see it clearly when i raise my arm. It’s on the under part of the breast. I also have a very dull pain and a general feeling of heaviness. I went to my GP last week and she examined me and said she didn’t feel any lumps. She did not refer me on for an ultrasound. I know that there isn’t always a lump which has me worried. Two of my girlfriends think I should ring back and ask to be referred for an ultrasound. Wondering what anyone here thinks. Thanks x
Hi Chigirl,
Given that you think the lump is different to how your breast normally feels and that you can still feel it now I think you should go back to your GP. As you are probably aware the majority of lumps are not cancer however it is better to check rather than leave it. Suggest you explain to your GP how it still feels different to normal and ask if you can be referred. If your GP refers you most hospitals will do a mammogram first, then an ultrasound if they need to, possibly with a biopsy if they think they need to test a small tissue sample.
Hopefully it will be something relatively harmless like a cyst and you will not have cause to join the bc forum with full status! If however you do, there are lots of us here who have been or are going through treatment, to give advice, or simply act as a sounding board if and when needed.
All the best,
Seabreeze - I found my lump…just under 2 years ago…and doing ok.
Yes I would say if your mind isn’t at rest then go back and push for a referal, the likely hood is it will be nothing but breast cancer doesn’t always present its self as a lump and if you feel there is something wrong then don’t be put off pushing to have it checked, all the best Xx Jo
Thank you both for replying. I’ll ring GP and ask for the referral. Would really help to put my mind at ease.