breast light

hi im a 35 year old mother of 2 young girls and a brca1 carrier i had a oopherectomy last year to reduce my risk and considerig offer of double masectomy with reconstruction
but while im deciding i have bought a breast light it is utterly fantastic and recomend it to any lady who likes to get reassurance that breasts are ok
has anybody else seen or bought one
its the shape of a torch and if you do it in the dark you put it on and around your breast and it illuminates everyvein and highlight your whole inside of breast you will see any lumps there hopefully there isnt any
it cost 100pound and worth every penny you wont believe it till you see it

Hi Heyj,

I’ve never heard of this. could you give more information and maybe where you got it from.
Always on the look out for more help in breast awareness and monitoring and I’d like to find out more about this tool.

Many thanks,

Lyn x x

There are other posts on here about Breastlight if you do a search for them. It costs about £80 if you buy online I think. Some people buy with a friend and share the cost.

Hi all,

As this topic has come up again I am posting for you again the reply from our nursing team regarding breast light. Kind regards,

Jo, Facilitator.


I wanted to come in here and give you some information about the Breastlight. Currently, there is no proof or sufficient clinical evidence that the Breastlight product results in earlier detection of breast cancer, increases survival or is any more helpful than the normal practice of being breast aware.

At Breast Cancer Care, we speak to people with breast cancer and breast cancer concerns every day and we know that self check devices may only serve to worry people, often unnecessarily.

Breast Cancer Care advocates being breast aware alongside the Department of Health, Royal College of Nursing, other UK breast cancer charities and other UK health bodies.

As you know, the breast awareness five point code encourages women to know what is normal for them and to report any changes, not just lumps, to their GPs.

If you have any personal concerns about your health, please do see your GP or if yu just want to talk things through with someone please do call our freephone helpline on 0808 800 6000

Kind regards,

Information Nurse"

Yes, I have one of these as I was concerned over a small lump-It’s really easy to use.

I heard about these 2 years ago but I think it would freak me out seeing my boobs in this way

Has anyone else got one of these? is it worth getting one ?