breast lump

Im a newbie☺ im 23 ive never had any lumps in my breast before but 2 weeks ago i found a rather large lump in my right breast then today i noticed my left breast is dimpled on the bottom & very mis shaped. For a few months ive also had lumps im both arm pits been to the doctors countless times and am now at my wits end with worry as im waiting to go to a breast clinic. If anyone could offer some words about the process as im very nervous x

My visit to the breast clinic was due to a call back after my second routine mammogram, I am 53. The appointment was for a week after I got the letter and I was crying every day and very scared!


I took my husband with me and we ‘checked in’ with the receptionist and then sat in the waiting room. The lady who was to do the mammogram came and got me (no husbands, for that part) and did three more mammograms. Then it was back to the waiting room for a while, before we both got taken to the doctors room. She showed me what they were looking at and then did an ultrasound of the suspicious area, confirming the lump. 


She then, with the assistance of a specialist nurse, took a needle core biopsy. She demonstrated the sort of clicking noise it made first, gave me a local anaesthetic near the lump (that was virtually painlessly) and then once she had checked the anaesthetic had worked, took the needle biopsy while using the ultrasound to be sure of getting the exact spot in the lump.


They took time and explained everything very carefully and encouraged me to ask any questions I had. An appointment was made for one week later, the day after the ‘multidisciplinary team’ meet to discuss the results of the biopsy.


Hope this helps, let us know how you get on…the waiting is just the worst thing and your mind will be taking you on a very bumpy ride, but it gets better once they are looking after you!


Amanda x