Breast metastases bone liver lung

Hi to everyone

Can anyone help me with medicinal marijuana for breast cancer metastases

I was diagnosed with metastatic cancer in 2013 and have had several rounds of different chemotherapy.

I am now in the situation that there is no more treatment available for me from my consultant as has now discharged me into the care of my GP & Macmillan care.

I have bone , liver & lung metastases  and have fought this disease well 

Is there any any one who is or has tried medicinal marijuana for this.

I am desperate as I know this horrible disease will take me soon.

Always hoping we we will beat this awful disease.



don t know the answer to this ,but watching with interest as just diagnosed with multiple liver mets 

wishing you well and positive thoughts to us all

i am trying to make memories while possible 



don t know the answer to this ,but watching with interest as just diagnosed with multiple liver mets

trying to make memories where possible

positive thoughts to all of us 

Hi Hope52,

In your post you did not mention any hormone and target therapy. May I ask if your BC is triple negative? In Hong Kong, when running out of 1st, 2nd,… line conventional chemo treatment, there are 2 more options.

(1) target therapy PARP inhibitor ie. ??Lynparza?? - The patient would be offered to do BRCA test. (this kind of genetic mutation can be inherited from mother side ie. breast/ovarian cancer history or father side ie. prostate cancer history). If +ve, this newer target therapy may be offered.

(2) immunotherapy ie.Nivolumab - costing CAD hundred thousands equiv in HK. When I googled ‘Nivolumab in UK for triple negative breast cancer’ and found some clinical trials is going on in UK.  



I am on CBD oil and I think it definitely works. My breast can er has returned and has metastasized into my rib pelvis and  back   Have had complications so have not been put in chemo yet, Awaiting results of PET scan, so they can decide what course CDK4/6 has been mentioned and also zometa.  I have been put on Letrozole. I take 3 drops in morning and 3 drops at night of oil. 

Hope it works for you. Good luck. 

Hi Shaz1956,
What does the CBD oil do?
Best wishes xx

When I took it (for about a week) all it did was calm me down a little. I’ve been stable for 4 years.

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