breast nodules

Hi I am new to the forum, aged 55 - I was diagnosed in March 2011 with Grade 3 invasive ductal cancer; I had 6 x FEC-T chemotherapy finishing in August, then a lumpectomy,then a wider excision which had unclear margins. The BC Nurse showed me a DVD and photos of reconstruction as they had now advised a mastectomy. I noticed a couple of small red raised lumps on the upper part of my breast; I mentioned this to the BC Nurse,my Consultant Surgeon was able to see me the same day. She was surprised, and mentioned that a mastectomy may not be possible, as she had fears the cancer had spread. She undertook a biopsy, and prescribed Tamoxifen, as the tumour was oestrogen positive and hoped this would reduce the nodules, and I have an appointment to see her later this week. I don’t know at this stage whether surgery is possible, or whether I will need to have further treatment or radiotherapy. Has anyone been in a similar situation and have you been successfully treated? Please post a reply.

Hello Pauline

Nothing is easy and straightforward with this disease, is it?

Well I only post because of your plead to post a reply, but I’m afraid I can’t answer your questions. hopefully someone else will be along soon to help.

Sorry and love from Christine xx

hi i was dx sept 2010, with ibc though had chemo first then mx and recon, plus 15 rads which finished last june, but in sept last year i had four nodules appeared on my rec side i had them removed and some skin and they said it was some cells left from oringinal dx but no further treatment needed because they said i was ned. but now i have three more appeared 3 months later waiting to see my surgeon next thurs, hope this helps x x