Breast & Ovarian Cancer

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2003 and in 2007 with Ovarian Cancer. Not conected but since the Ovarian everyone seems to have forgotten about the Breast Cancer. When I see the ongologist the Breast Cancer is never mentioned and I have had to ask for a mammogram because I suppose I will be thrown back into the system because the 5 years is up.

Has anyone else been in this situation?


Hi toddy,

Sorry to hear you have had to endure 2 types of cancer. You say they are not related but I wonder if you’ve been offered genetic testing to see if you have a BRCA mutation? If not then its worth asking about espcially if you’re pre menopausal. Have you any family history of either cancer?

There looking into it at the moment and are going to test my daughter, when they get round to it. My mum. dad and brother all died of different cancers but I wonder if it runs in the family. Can anyone tell me?

Hi Toddy,

Sorry to hear your news. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003 and borderline ovarian cancer in 2007. Like you it all seems a muddle at the hospital, and I had to chase my annual mammogram. The two teams don’t seem to talk to each other. I’m suffering with menopausal symptoms really badly and can’t get much guidance from anyone. I spent 4 months trying to get someone to listen to me about the ovarian issue (you would think being a cancer patient would give them cause for alarm) but it was my gp who pushed it through. My breast surgeon even said ‘any problems there are unlikely to be realted to the breast cancer’!
I’m seeing the oncologist in a couple of weeks and I’m going to ask about genetic testing as I have 2 daughters. I have more faith in the oncology team than the surgeons.
I’ll let you know what they say.