Hi all this is the first time I’ve posted on here but I have been reading all the threads & finding the information you post very reassuring.
I had lumpectomy & Radiotherapy Sept - Dec 2016.
All going well had mammogram in Aug 17 & results clear. Had a follow up appt in Breast Check in Dublin this week and Dr reassures me that this tingly/itchy pain and lumpy hard bits is scar tissue. I was very happy to hear this & researching now how to help get rid of this . Firstly swimming has really helped me as my arm where sentinel nodes removed can get a bit numb at times & the arm & shoulder stretching exercises really are a must, as this keeps the tissue moving. Massaging Coconut OIL into the affected areas and leave it on after shower. I asked Doctor will this Breast pain ever go away & she really couldn’t answer me … It varies !! Massaging the breast with lots of oil will eventually help the scar tissue soften. It’s nice to hear how everyone is getting on. I’m on Tamoxifen too & the hot flushes & mood swings are really bad !! But Dr said to me a lot of People would be happy just to be ONLY taking a tablet every day so I decided I’d keep on taking it… Hope you all well & getting through this journey…it’s tough at times but every day is different some good some bad ??
Hi, I had a lumpectomy in November 2015 then radiotherapy which finished in March 2016. I had the normal pains following treatment, but generally have not felt anything for months. Until yesterday. I had such a pain in my breast, in the same area as my lumpectomy. It woke me in the night and was quite severe. The pain carried on all day, and eventually I took paracetamol which eased it. This morning it is back again, not very severe, but enough that I notice it. Has anyone else felt this, after many months of no pain?
I was about to start a new post about the same thing until I came across this one.
I had my lumpectomy in April followed by 15 fractions of Rad therapy.
Just recently though I have been getting a lot of sharp pain along my scar and my ribs hurt, which often means me not wearing a bra.
Having read the comments I think my symptoms are normal xxx
One Yr on, like so many of you I still have pain under my arm, around my breast and across the Lump removal scar. My shoulder is stiff and my inner arm number. This is obviosuly radiation and nerve damage.
I still wear sports bras as they don’t hurt me as much as pretty ones - my aim is to have a pretty one by Christmas 2018, even though continually taking Heceptin my libido to zero!
I’m 64 but look 50. However, I feel like an old lady when I wake up, after exercise I lose 10 yrs, and then I can eally get on with things.
I had to shut my business 4 months ago and now I’m trying to start a life. Its can’t be the same but it will be good if I work at it.
Its a real shame that locally they offer no physio on exit from the Operations or Radiation. They know that cutting nerves causes the pain and the settling down takes a while (I was told 3 months, then told 6 now being told 12) Radiation has hidden side effects that don’t go away quickly. However the main problem is post op is that a physical physio session is no longer included - a sheet of paper doesn’t work - it has to be. My physio friend gave me exercises to do every morning - they help!
Like everything worth having you have to work at it - so go swimming (backstroke is essential), massage the solid and hard areas where the pain is, get fit and eventually - I sincerley hope it wiil all start to ease.
Mine has marginally… so yours can to!
I had lumpectomy in June 2017 then 15 rads and 5 boosters, I have since found that first thing in morning when I get out of bed oh my days the pain in my right boob and under my arm where lymphnodes removed is painful. Once I move about it does ease off, I am finding as months gone on my breast is more tender and under arm not so flexible even tho I still do excersises. When I worry more than usual I look at this site and read comments and then I don’t feel so alone and scared, thank you everyone
So relieved on reading these comments. Had my surgery in June 2017. Feels like I’m getting sore now I know I’m not on my own.
Hi. I had a lumpectomy September 16. Followed by chemo and 20 rads. I still have a very lumpy boob from scaring and odds bit of shooting pain. All part if the healing process I’m am big boobed. Can’t go out wearing a bra. Bravissimo have great non under wired and I have bought a bra on line called Anita. Pricey but amazing. Keep going ladies. You have all done the hard part. X
Hi Ladies, so reassuring to find this thread.
BC diagnoses March 2017, lymph gland removal (3 / all clear), lumpectomy, breast reconstruction using flap/own fat from under arm/back and 18 sessions of radiotherapy + 3 boosters, Tamoxifen for 10 years! Also due to family history I qualified for genetic testing, clear on both BRAC1 and BRAC2 genes. I’m now getting to the 1 year mark from diagnosis. Thought, probably as many of you did, I would start to feel ‘normal’ with the body again. However I still have pain from my lymph node scar, tightness in my breast. I still sleep with my soft sports bra on as this makes me more comfortable. I followed the exercise plan and still cream the area of the operation scars. Plus, having for a long period had problems with my lower back (had MRI scan, physio, meds for this), since being on Tamoxifen that has become a great deal worse. I’m only in my 40s but when I get out of bed, until I start moving, I move like someone a great deal older.
Sometimes it does get me down, but then I tell myself I’m still here with my husband and children - I just plod on. Reading that others are experiencing similar problems, the replies to questions raised, gives some comfort knowing we are not alone even when sometimes we think we are.
All my thoughts and best wishes go out to you all - take care.
I had my lumpectomy July 17 and finished radiotherapy in September. Back to work and feeling ok apart from stabbing pain occasionally and tenderness that side. I even thought they may have left the metal marker inside. Reading the blog I see it’s quite common - I was concerned as it’s my left side. Have outpatients appointment on Friday so will mention it
I had a lumpectomy and sentinel lobe removal (4 - all clear) in October 2016, followed by Radiotherapy which finished at the end of December 2016. I developed cording after and had about 10 sessions of physio but even now I am very tender around the breast area and under my arm. It has improved though, albeit slowly, and I was recently actually able to lie on my front with the aid of a pillow underneath me for the first time since the operation. If you have a Helen Rollason Centre near you, I can recommend them. They are fantastic for doing massages, reflexology, counselling or just someone to talk to - anything to get you through the side-effects and worry!
Hi, I’m still getting pain in certain spots in my breast, not necessarily where the original tumour was removed 14 months ago. When I saw the oncologist a year after treatment, she said it was most likely the surgery or the radiation that’s causing it but didn’t give me any indication how long it might last. She did say I was still retaining some fluid in that breast and advised me to wear a bra at night to help improve the discomfort. I do this occasionally but find I get sore under the breast when I wear a bra 24/7. The skin under my affected breast is also still very discoloured following radiation treatment.
I’m now also getting tenderness in my other breast and feeling panicky about the cancer returning. The sore area is right on the edge of my breast by my sternum bone so I’m thinking what if there is cancer and it wasnt picked up on the mammogram because it’s on the sternum/rib rather than in the breast tissue?
I can’t hug anyone as both breasts are now sore. My dog tries to stand on my chest to say hi but I have to push her off. I had a check mammogram in November 1year post treatment which said no signs of cancer and was clear, this helped reduce my anxiety for a while but now I can’t sleep most nights, worrying over my other breast tenderness. I’m exhausted. Everyone assumes I’m all better now including my husband but they don’t see me awake with worry. I don’t want to be one of those people who attends their GP all the time needlessly so I keep putting it off, especially as they are soooo busy. I’m also scared about having to go through it all again. I wish someone could turn off my brain so I can sleep.
Hi Squib - I still have sore ribs and boob almost 3 years on.- think radiotherapy is largely responsible .If you are struggling with moving on / anxiety may be worth discussing CBT with GP or booking onto BCC moving on course or seeing what your local cancer charity can offer in terms of counselling .Its very common to feel anxious about the cancer coming back and it’s only really after treatment has ended and things settle down that your brain begins to process what has happened and you can struggle mentally .Theres a section of the forum about dealing with fear and anxiety - quite a few of us struggle with anxiety .As far as other boob tenderness is concerned if it worries -get it checked out and put your mind at rest -if it is something, ignoring it won’t make it go away if it’s nothing to worry about then your mind will be put at rest .Im sure GPs understand that any changes/ symptoms will cause anxiety to someone who has had breast cancer .All the best .Jill.
Hi All
I am getting really fed up with pain, my breast is still very sore and even my other breast hurts (it will be 2 years in April since my surgery) I have underarm pain where lymph nodes were removed, i have a patch on my back that is permenant pins and needles, i am having all the side effects from the Letrazole … very bad joint pain and flushes and now I am having pain in my outer thighs and can not sleep for the pain. I am nearlly 62 and feel 90, before the cancer i classed myself as quite fit and did not feel anywhere near my age. :(
My GP said i should take Naproxen but i hate taking strong painkillers as they just cause more problems (stomach pain and even internal bleeding) he did say he would also give me Omeprazole so i counteracts the Naproxen but i really do not want to take tablets every day. Is it just me or is there anyone who agrees with me. I hate taking tablets long term especially pain killers… :(
Hi, I had lumpectomy and removal of ancillary lymph glands plus radiotherapy 2 years ago. The first year I didn’t suffer at all, but have been in a lot of pain for a full year ( now year 2) I wondered if it was nerve damage? I also suffer from M.E and Fibromyalgia so I don’t know what is causing what pain. My recent mammogram was fine, thank heavens. I don’t get much sleep at night, I wake up with breast pain which is pretty bad but don’t suffer too much through the day. As you ladies know as soon as you lie down, especially if you are well endowed the weight falls to the side. I usually wake up clutching and supporting my boob. I’m so glad it’s not only me as I thought I was going mad!
I’ve been in pain since the start of radiotherapy. I had quite alot of fluid and just took nurofen when it was bad but got so used to being in pain. It’d wake me up at night and when I got up I had to hold my breast as the pain would go into the armpit. 10 months after lumpectomy I went breast cancer haven and had an aromatherapy massage on breast as well and my pain decreased by 60% after 2 days. I still get sharp pains and get told it’s normal. TO have life without pain would be great but am happy I have my life. I do hope anyone who is suffering with pain - it goes away.
Hi there everyone I definitely wanted to pass on my prayers to all of you. And after reading Squib’s last post, I was compelled to write just to say, I felt like I wrote your posting. Every single feeling and situation is what I am going through. I find it very hard to turn my brain off.
I had a lumpectomy it’ll be a year in April did radiation and boosts time now for the annual check very scared and nervous. I have. All the same symptoms as everyone else I take gabapentin letrozole ty
But for the gym sessions and the bravissimo bra I could have written your post - even the timeline is almost identical.
I’m also finding that the emotional impact is only just starting to kick in, which I’m finding really hard to deal with.
I to am now 2years since having lumpectomy and had my 2nd mammogramme on 7th, I still suffer from some breast pain and also rib pain from radiotherapy, it sometimes seems never-ending .
Just read my previous post again and I feel a little bad about myself. I must have been having a real bad day!! I’m feeling much better in myself now 34 days since end of rads!! Skin has calmed right down and my scars are looking better. Pains have subsided and just random twinges now. Best of all I feel much brighter and today, even though it’s snowing, we have booked a week away in Greece for June. Looking forwards not backwards now. Hope you are all ok ladies.??