i have found a small lump in my left breast and have really bad pain all under my arm and in my breast the only way i can describe the pain is like a really deep dull ache it is really uncomfortable and it is constant i tried last week to get a doctors app but was unable to so i went to a walk in centre they said were not qualified to carry out a breast exam my mum has managed to get me an app for tomorrow evening but im really worried i had lump removed last year it wasnt cancerous but this feels compleatley different im really worried i know a lot of people say that if there is pain it is not anything to worry about but i am this pain is really deep and it goes right through to my bank im sorry for waffling but im really scared also my left breast feels totally different from the right
This must be truly awful for you. Getting it sorted really is the only way. Whatever it is, it sounds like you’ve caught it early. All of us on this site really understand what you are going through and its a fab place to let off steam. Vent away at your leisure!!
Julia xx
i managed to get a doctors app this afternoon and if possible i feel worse the doctor was very dismissive from the outset she did an exam and said she couldnt feel a lump i told her it was easier to find when i lay down she did manage to find it but said it was just a small bit of gristle and the pain i was feeling could not possibly be related and i had probably just pulled a muscle??? i tried to explain that i knew the difference in the way a pulled muscle felt and real pain but she just said it was nothing but if i was still worried in a week to go back. ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh i though i would feel better after the doctors instead i feel like im imagining it but my partner can also feel it sorry again for ranting but im so annoyed i know i have a lump and i know i have breast pain that has nothing to do with a pulled muscle
Drs can be a nightmare. We have some very young women on here and I wouldn’t be suprised if they have come across that attitude. I dont know how old you are but being under 50 makes bc rarer and GP’s can then be dismissive. I suggest you go back and insist on a referral to breast clinic. You will then be seen in 2 weeks and will probably have mammogram and ultrasound. That is the only way they can get a clear picture of what the lump may be and they can take a sample of it if necessary. Grrr GP’s really p*ss me off sometimes.
Julia xx
Hi solusfox,
If you have a lump and pain, go back to your G.P. and insist that you have a referral.
The fact is, it is most probably nothing at all to worry about, but ALL lumps need to be checked out.
I had an ENORMOUS lump plus pain and itchiness and my G.P. kept sending me away with antibiotics. seven weeks later I was dx with breast cancer.
Dont let them fob you off, have it checked out if only for your peace of mind.
Take care,
Hi Julia i am 30 im gonna make another app and ask to see a different doctor thank you so much for your reply i feel so much better having someone to talk to about it
hello solusfox
just wanted to second what others have said - you are absolutely right to see another GP and push for that referral to a breast unit/clinic, so that you can get sorted out. I’m appalled by the amount of people posting here who are dismissed as you have been, presumably because of your age - it seems to be so widespread and its unacceptable.
I hope that you are seen quickly and that your news is reassuring. Please keep talking if thats helpful
best wishes xx
Hi solusfox
30 is young but, unfortunately, not too young, as you may have gathered from this site. I’m 42 and still fall into the young bracket! It may help to mention this site to the GP, then they’ll know you are informed.
Let us know how it goes
Julia xx