I was wondering if anyone else had pain coming from their tumour? I’ve had 2 cycles EC and so far my tumour hasn’t shrunk (from Dr and my feeling it, not had a scan). Im ER/PR- and HER2+ Grade 3. I’m getting horrible shooting pains from my tumour, the rest of my breast and my other breast feel fine. I’m just a bit frightened it’s from the tumour growing.
Hiya, yes, I’ve had pain too. I’m about to have my 4th EC. I don’t know what the pain means though. My oncologist said that the lump had shrunk significantly last time I saw her 2 weeks ago. Mine hurts to lie on too and it takes me a while to get comfy in bed.
I had surgery first so can’t comment. But wondering if you are on the monthly chemo threads where you could ask if anyone else is experiencing this.
This is a link for February chemo starters 2025
March 2025 chemo starters
As you are also HER2+ you may lose like to join the HER2+ and need some buddies which is a thread that has been going strong for over a year. Many at different stages of treatment and quite a few who had chemo to shrunk their tumours. Here’s a link for the thread
Hope the links help to connect with others in a similar situation to you.
Like @naughty_boob I also had surgery first so not in the same situation. However, my surgery sites (boob and lymph node but particularly lymph node) would hurt and swell for a few days each chemo cycle. The nurses checked it out and whilst they couldn’t explain it, they weren’t concerned. Chemo does funny things to places you don’t expect!
@traceyp23 thank you for your reply! I’m chuffed for you that your lump has shrunk significantly! I’m also a front sleeper and I’ve struggled getting comfortable too with lump on one side and PICC on the other! Just have to remind myself it’s a means to an ends!
@naughty_boob thanks for your recommendation, nice to bump into you on the Her2+ chat!
@norts thank you for your reply! Chemo is very odd isn’t it, it like everyone has a different response and sometimes the nurses and doctors are just as stumped as we are.
Just an update if anyone else reads this thread and has the same symptoms as me - I called the breast care nurses about the pain and also because I thought my tumour felt a bit bigger and looked more prominent (husband did too). They contacted my wonderful oncologist who booked to see me as soon as he could, he agreed with me that lump felt a bit bigger. Also told me I did the right thing calling the BCNs. So he has switched me to a different chemo regime! I will update my post as I go for anyone else that finds this in a Google spiral like I was in when I posted!