February 2025 chemo starters

This topic is for anyone starting chemo in February 2025 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.

You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now


I’m starting chemo in February but not sure the date yet. My first post on here


Pineappkes123 :heart:sorry you find yourself here, do ask away, ask much or as little as you need, everyone will reach out and help :two_women_holding_hands::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Hi Shi
I’ve been reading this forum since I was diagnosed back in September. But finally posted . I have grade 3 oestrogen positive breast cancer . Multi focal. Had mastectomy but need chemo to reduce risk of recurrence. Feeling really apprehensive because of all the side affects. Also have to have a pic line in which is worrying me as will stick out of my arm. Just looking for other people either starting chemo or going through it or been through it.
Thanks xx


I am a poster from the September starters but follow the chemo starters threads. Sorry you are here but you will be joined by others very soon. I have just finished chemo for multi focal hormone positive like you. My mastectomy was July. I also had a PICC line. When i started chemo it seemed terrifying and for so long. I thought I would spend months in bed and not be able to do anything. Honestly it was not that bad for me. I has some bad days but alot of the time I was fine. The PICC line bled a bit in the first 10 days…then i forgot about it. I used to get in the shower and think oooh no forgot my plastic sleeve and have to dash out to get it!!
My chemo unit nurses were lovely and any side effects i did get they managed with drugs. They are very keen to help you through this stage.
I felt like you do now as it started. You will get through it and this space is fantastic to ask questions or just vent your emotions.
I start radio on Monday.

Sending you love for the coming weeks x


Hi Nellyh

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Hi nellyh
Thank you so much for your reply. That has helped me a lot. Can I ask did you use a cold cap? Also what was your chemo regime.?Mine is going to be every 2 weeks for 8 sessions. I’m not having radiotherapy as I had breast cancer 10 years ago. It was not as aggressive as this one.I just had lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Then 5 years tamoxifen and then letrozole. I found the radiotherapy not too bad.
Also( sorry for all the questions) which part of the country are you from? Xx


Ask all the questions you like! I didnt cold cap in the end but I already have fluff growing back. I did EC -T. EC to begin with every 3 weeks… followed by weekly paclitaxol. EC I found to be stronger so I suffered a bit with nausea in the first day or so but I just asked for stronger anti sickness. The paclitaxol I had very few side effects just tiredness and some bone ache.
I am in Derbyshire x

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Pineapple123 get your teeth checked before starting chemo, your dentist will fit you in when they tell them you are starting chemo :heart: get a thermometer so you can keep track of your temperature during chemo. A soft baby toothbrush too kinder in mouth during chemo. I didn’t coldcap during chemo but lots have and I’m sure they will share tips and tricks with you :heart: do book your look good feel better at your Macmillan in your trust and do ask about complimentary therapies you are entitled too also, if you’ve a baggies centre at your trust might be worth nipping along there too if you want to, you’ll be met with kindness, care, compassion and understanding there too :heart: day at a time and step by step. I also kept chart of when I’d taken meds and kept log of my temperature too during chemo, helped make me feel had bit of control over things and did help a lot when chemo fog set in, I could look at notes and check if done meds, injection and what my temperature was. You’ll find you way do what’s right for you :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thank you both for your information and advice.
I’m in the Durham area. There is a Maggies centre at a hospital in Newcastle. I definitely want to get involved more with people going through the same as me. I have great family and friends, but nobody who can really understand what it is like. I was thinking of asking the breast cancer nurses on here about being put in touch with a buddy. Someone like me service I think it’s called.


Hello, I am due to start my chemo shortly, awaiting start date. I am due to have my picc line in on Tuesday. and ECG Wednesday. I was told first week in February but this may change to an earlier date.
I have been reading some of the other topics now since before Christmas and found it so helpful.
Its been a whirlwind since I found a lump in December, then having to wait 3 weeks due to christmas for some results, still waiting on my MRI and CT results as yet.
Finding it so hard to take everything in and all the words used in diagnosis. I am trying my best to stay positive but frightened as to what is ahead but know I have to do this.

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Hi, I’m due to start shortly. Awaiting date.
Nice to support each other.

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Hi wba
I am in exactly same boat. Just waiting to get my picc line put in . Oncologist appointment last Thursday. He said maybe 2 weeks till it starts. He said he want me to have 4 sessions of EC every 2 weeks. Then 4 sessions of paclitaxel. Do you know what you are having?

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Use bcn for all it can help you with, the someone like me option is definitely one to look into :heart: also post treatment there is the bcn moving forward course both online and in person session so that could be something to look at post treatment, I know that probably seems a long way of but treatment at a time, focus on the finish line and you’ll all get each other through :heart: the Oct17 thread I was on and many of the other threads arranged a meet up for when we were all through, we had a weekend in London, gave us all something to look forward to and your thread will probably fo the same, logistics and be interesting if your all scattered over the country but, the shared kindness, laughter, wobbles and everything inbetween that you support each other through creates unbreakable bonds of friendship :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Hi, I’m having 12 weeks of pacitaxel & 3 weekly carbopiatin
Followed by 3 weekly 4 cycles of EC
Presumably that’s the short abbreviation for It?
Followed by surgery.

Apparently Immunotherapy also given.
Still trying to get my head round all the names!
I’m very anxious as it’s all go this week with appointments.
Hope you hear about your treatment moving forward to.
Nice to support each other going forward.

Hi wba
Keep me posted how it’s going and I will keep you posted. Which part of the country are you from?

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I will keep you posted. Let you know how the Picc line goes on Tuesday.
I’m just near to Birmingham.

Hi wba.
I was contacted today and I’m getting my picc line in on Thursday. I live near Newcastle. Not sure when chemo starting yet. It hasn’t really sunk in yet.

Morning @pineapples123
We both getting them then this week now.
Have you got ECG booked?
I’m off this morning at 11.am
Feeling very anxious :grimacing:
Let you know later how it’s gone.
Stay positive, that’s what we need to do :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi wba
I haven’t heard from chemo nurses yet. But I will be soon I think. Yes please let me know how it goes. It’s good to have this support . Definitely makes you feel not alone.
Good luck for today