Breast Pain & Heaviness (F CUP) one sided

Hello to the community. (25 ,F CUP)

3 months ago, I was waiting for my period to come. I woke up with a pain in my right breast, which was very tender to the touch and more severe than my left breast pain (my boobs became bigger and more tender). The pain insisted after the days but the swelling is so much better now that the period is over. I still feel heaviness on my right breast (like its denser) while the other one is normal. The doctor said I had an injury on the major pectoralis, which makes sense but I also feel like it’s sth hormonal or different… Could it be that case?

I’ve visited 3 doctors (2 breast surgeons and one gynecological) and had 3 ultrasounds which were clear plus a breast MRI, not even a cyst was observed. The doctors are calm but I’m not. They believe it’s totally normal…

I have no rushes or skin discoloration but I’m afraid because the heaviness is still obvious and I have severe pain inmy armpit. 

Everything’s clear but I can’t find peace.

Sounds like you have been thoroughly checked, a breast MRI would surely find anything untoward but I understand you being anxious as you still have symptoms.Maybe give it a few more months and if I doesn’t settle go back again and ask to be checked again ?