Hi Everyone!
I am a newbie on this site.
I recently just had a total hysterectomy and now taking the Elleste Solo as a hrt maintenance. Although I was told that the risk of having a breast cancer is low, I still get the paranoia that the cancer might be going anywhere else of my my body like breast or lungs.
Just lately I have been having this pain on my right breast and its quite painful in just one corner. Although I coudn’t feel any lump but the pain just come really sharp with or without doing something. And it comes and go.
I’ve had a rare type of ovarian cancer which is called the Mucinous Adenocarcinoma which is the Intestinal type but caught up really early and was stage 1c.
I am not quite sure if I need to see my GP and ask for further test and investigations or am I just plainly being paranoid.
Look forward to hear from you soon.
Glad I found this site as I can ask more questions and read lots of informations.
Thank you all!
Hi Asianeer,
No expert on ovarian cancer, can only imagine it being a rough ride. Regarding the breast pains, if you are concerned (which you must be to have sought out this forum site) then I think you should go to your GP and seek their advice. They may be able to reassure you or refer you for checks. As I’m sure you are aware most referrals for breast cancer turn out to be something harmless but if no one got checked none of us would get diagnosed and treated!
Given the ovarian cancer I’m sure any GP would listen to your concerns and advise accordingly.
I hope that helps - don’t panic - but do visit your GP. Hopefully you won’t need to join this forum club!
Seabreeze (2 years post bc)