Breast pain

Well I’ve been to docs and he’s given me some more tablets as the pain is getting worse .and he can’t explain the bruise on my breast and yesterday nite noticed my toes were really sore like I’ve cut them and they stug.dont know if it was related but fought I’ll tell docs .anyway docs can’t explain my bruises on breast and feet and says it might b the infection and to keep an eye on it .x

I’ve heard of poss infection causing brusing but it’s only on 1 foot and it just feels like I’ve literally kicked something & my toes are feckin hurt in they look red and sore too .I really don’t know what any docs can do but just to keep an eye on it and go back after a week if it’s still there. In mean while this infection has knocked me dwn honestly feel winded and like I’ve been battered x

I’m coming out in yet again an other bruise on my breast I’m not havin it it’s a infection causing me to bruise and pain x

The doc thinks they are .I’ve never heard of it before unless I’m havin two diff infections runing through me .but I don’t know why cause I’ve not hurt myself my toenails are fine it’s really painful my punky toe is swollen and is painful x I’ve now got another slight bruise on my breast again this time it’s a green shade .x