Breast problems 3+ weeks after radiotherapy

Last RT of 15 on right breast and supraclavicular area was August 14. (Following on from 6 months chemo and lumpectomy with full axillary clearance. Hiatus of 12 weeks between surgery and RT because of reaction to immunotherapy, Pembro, resulting in Acute Kidney Injury.)
My breast is not as red or sore as it was, over 3 weeks on, but sebarrhoeic keratoses beneath the breast are very irritated, itching constantly, and the breast feels swollen into my armpit, which is also painful though lumpectomy wound seems to have healed well. The whole breast feels hard, and the aureola is enlarged and white. I am white, 68, TNBC diagnosed. Shouldn’t things be better than this by now? And what can I do about the itching sebarrhoeic keratoses? Almost impossible to find a bra that doesn’t sit on this area, and I need to wear a bra. A dermatologist refused to remove the keratoses in the past and chemo has not got rid of them. Thanks for any advice / reassurance that things will get better. PS Using hospital prescribed Flamigel for irradiated areas still. PPS more chemo coming up - oral Capecetabine on 23/09 for 18 weeks.

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Hello there I’m not sure if you’re in the UK or USA - if it’s UK I would suggest that you need to go back to your BCN and get assessed . Three weeks is not a long time ( I was told that RT effects peak at 2 weeks after treatment ) and hopefully it will settle on it’s own - mine took a long time to do that but I had to have an appointment for something else and my BCN was more concerned about the general appearance of my breast. She was considering referring me to the lymphoedema service but it settled on its own - it took quite a long time . Listening to your description of your breast and axilla it sounds like you need to be seen by your team .

The itching is particularly annoying I know I don’t have any skin lesions but I put a bamboo sock beneath my breast and then my bra on top to prevent any friction and soak up sweat and that seemed to help . Someone else used a bamboo cloth inside their bra for similar reasons. Cotton or silk would work as well I expect . I’m also wondering if you might need to apply something different than Flamigel to the lesions like a conventional moisturiser - but honestly again i think that’s a decision for your team .Other people have found relief from itching by using aloe Vera gel and putting it in the fridge to keep cool I think some people have been prescribed medication as well . Take care xx

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Thanks for prompt reply Joanne. I’m in UK and I saw a BCN, about the Capecetabine, just over a week ago. She looked at breast and underneath at keratoses, but was not worried by anything she saw. She suggested more Flamigel for breast as still quite red, and thought my 1% hydrocortisone suggestion for keratoses a good one. I already have lymphodema in my right arm - developing soon after surgery drain removed. Maybe it is in the breast too. Also oedema in both ankles and feet, had hoped from steroids for AKI, but finished them 2 months ago. Also peripheral neuropathy in feet. Looking forward to hand foot syndrome from the Capecetabine… Feeling very sorry for myself today.


Sorry you are feeling so low with everything you have been through. As already said another call/chat to your BCN maybe needed.

The nurse should be able to answer your question on Monday.


Oh no wonder you are feeling so low with everything that’s happened already - so sorry that you are going through so much. I think some other people have used Hydrocortisone cream as well but that might be worth running past your Dermatology team . Also if you think it isn’t improving or is getting worse then get back in touch - unless you have an appointment scheduled already. I hope they have given you some help for your lymphoedema and yes it’s possible that it is in your breast as well now - I don’t have it and my arm was fine but my BCN thought I might be developing it just in my breast though as I say it’s ok now. I’m really hoping that your swelling will settle down but I think it could take a while . The Flamigel hopefully will help the swelling in your breast - that’s what it’s supposed to do and a lot of people on here have used it and thought it was good . My BCN said that in order for the swelling to go down I needed to wear a good supportive bra - which I was sometimes not doing but went back into as soon as I was told so if there is some way that you can wear some good support it will help. If crop tops are more comfortable you could wear one on top of the other . One lady wore a vest / T-shirt next to her skin and then her bra on top.
I’m hoping that the swelling and neuropathy will improve for you with more time .
I didn’t notice that this was directed to the Nurses but I’m sure they will answer in the next day or two. Otherwise you could ring the helpline tomorrow on 0808 800 6000 for a more in depth chat. Xx

Thanks again - deliberately no bra at home today, in hope underbreast would ‘dry out’. But no change, and think breast awareness increased because so seldom without bra. Might try t shirt under bra suggestion. Will keep Flamigel going too. Tx again. Sara

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Hi failsbetter

Thank you for posting.

It sounds like you are having a difficult time with ongoing skin reactions to the radiotherapy as well as ongoing side effects from your chemotherapy. As @JoanneN has said, it can sometimes take several weeks for the skin to get better following radiotherapy and it’s common for things to feel worse in the few weeks following the last radiotherapy treatment before they begin to improve. You may find this information about managing skin reactions helpful to read.

Do talk to your breast care nurse or treatment team about how you are feeling, as @naughty_boob has also suggested. You can write down the questions you have about both the radiotherapy and chemotherapy side effects so that you can go through them with her, your breast nurse can assess your symptoms and suggest possible ways to manage them. You mention having ongoing peripheral neuropathy. You may find some useful tips for managing this in our Facebook Live about peripheral neuropathy and fatigue.

Although you have seen a dermatologist in the past and they were not able to remove the seborrhoeic keratoses, you may find it helpful to ask to see them again for advice about how the radiotherapy has impacted this condition.

It’s understandable that you are feeling low at the moment. Having treatment for breast cancer and managing the side effects can be a difficult time and you are not alone in feeling this way. You may find out information about coping emotionally with breast cancer helpful. Some people find talking with someone who has been through a similar experience can help. Our Someone Like Me service can put you in touch with a trained volunteer to talk to for support. For details about this service, along with the other free supportive services for anyone who has had a diagnosis of breast cancer, please see the information in the link.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000. If you have hearing or speech difficulties prefix our number with 18001 and the call will go through Relay UK. Our helpline has access to telephone interpreters so if language translation is required you can also call 0808 800 6000

If you would prefer one of our nurses to call you. To do this, please complete this form ticking the box agreeing to a call back .

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Best wishes


Breast Care Nurse

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