Breast reconstruction after extensive radiation or NO reconstruction?



Two questions:


I am interested in hearing from those who have had mastectomy and radiation (resulting in thin skin / muscles / indentations) to their chest wall with delayed reconstruction using muscle from either back or stomach or from the inner thigh (gracilis).  


I am also interested in hearing from those who decided not to have reconstruction and how they have coped, mentally and physically.


I had cancer in 2007, a bilaterial mastectomy (lumps in both breasts) with 28 days radiation (left side) and chemotherapy, I had expanders inserted during the operation with two implant failures due to capsular contracture with the 2nd being removed in 2009.  I am due to have reconstruction using my inner thigh (gracilis) however, I do not know whether I should have this done or remain without because I am healthy as I am.


My age is 57


Peace and light.




I am one of those who did not have reconstruction and wear a prosthesis on the affected side. I did not have radiation of chemo.

It took a while to get my arm and shoulder movement and strength back post mx but I am fine.No problems mentally I just didn’t want all the extra surgery and recovery time. I can understand why many women do opt for just wasn’t right for me.

Good luck with your surgery if you decide to have it.