Breast Screening Units

Breast Screening Units

Breast Screening Units Ladies (no gentlemen, please!) I went for what I hope will be my final check-up today (nearly five years c-free - yaaay) and was sent to Breast Screening Unit for a mammogram. Sat looking at all the notices and on every single one the message was presaged: “Ladies, we apologise for any delays, Ladies please note we have a hearing loop, Ladies, in the event of fire please remain where you are until the radiographer comes to get you, Ladies please place used robes in this basket…” and so on. I asked (on the way out, wasn’t brave enough until then) “Don’t you have any men having mammograms, then?” and judging by the look on their faces they had never even heard of the species! Why do they consider it is necessary or helpful to put “Ladies” on them?
Begin to see what you all mean!

HMMMMMMMMMMM Hi all…I was st hospital yesterday, and after reading carlings post I decided to have a look in the breast screening department as I really cant remember what was on the walls in August when I had my dx…and it was much of the same…all LADIES…i did ask the receptioninst why it was all geared at us women and she looked at me as if I had 2 heads…and said oh we rarely see men here…maybe one a year if that!!..but she did say they were due for new notices and would take on board my comments. I’m sure she thought I was a man in drag!!!


Thank you Carling and Morag For pointing that out. I was to one of my students this afternnon and she said something that is really pertietn to this discussio.

She told me the Dalai Lama said that he could not help all the starving people in the world - but he could help one to help another…

Thank you for doing that. Perhaps the people you spoke wit now pass the message on.

Just a wee by-line. I sport two tattooed nipples and that was done at the medical tattooing service at the Canniesburn Unit at the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow. The information they sent me about the service said it was “for women who had undergone breast surgery”. I can tell you that it is now chnged!

Best wishes


—Breast screening units —I went for my annual check up a couple of weeks ago and was intrigued by their “Wall of Hope”. My bc nurse asked me a few months ago to send a photo, with family or friends, and some inspirational words, to go on this new feature inside the waiting room. I was surprised to see one photo of a gentleman and his wife - he being the cancer patient. This was at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, so it shows at least one brave man willing to share his story. I felt quite uplifted by all the photos and notes. Next time I go, hopefully in another year’s time, I will check out the other notices and make appropriate comments to my fabulous bc nurse, if they are sexist.

Quick update Hi All…was at hospital yesterday for chemo and poped into Breast screning.turned out to be nothing but nurse did feel a bit of a lump near scar site…anyway…ALL THE POSTERS ARE CHANGED!!!..they now read…“would all patients please discard robles in bins provided”…“would all patients please report to reception” etc etc…mabme my big mouth did come in handy after all!!!

Love to alll Morag