Breast, shoulder, arm pain & knots

I am 24 years old and have been having neck, clavicle, arm, shoulder and breast pain for a few months now. The pain mainly comes on before my period (particularly in my breast), the other pain lingers all month. I also get a numbness and tingling in my fingers occasionally. The pain is generally a shooting pain, but sometimes a dull ache. This is all on right side.

I noticed some lumpiness in my breast too so I went to doc to get it checked out and he said he felt several ‘knots’ rather than lumps in the breast, but checked my armpit and was fine. He said he wasn’t too worried but has referred me to a breast clinic and now I’m waiting for the appointment.

I am incredibly nervous, I am also going away for several months in 9 days and I’m so worried I won’t be able to get the appointment beforehand.

What’s the likely hood of this pain being BC?


Hi Kel,
Honestly, BC would be the least likely outcome, it is very rare in someone of your age. There normally turns out to be benign reason for it & it could well be related to your cycle.
It’s good your dr has referred, as these things do need to be checked out.
As you’re going away soon, it might be an idea to contact the clinic about it to explain. I usually find the nhs helpful about appointments.
ann x