Breast thickness and enlarged lymph nodes

Hi I have thickness in my left breast and my lymph nodes are swollen under my arm.  I also suffer my arm and neck pain but think that is something completely different.  I had a mammo last year which was fine. I am 55 with large breasts which are also lumpy so it is quite difficult to distinguish lumps but this is a large area that is quite thick and feels like rubbery inside and ropey.  I went to my GP last week and she told me to come back in two weeks because she saw a tiny yellow bruise at the top of my breast (don’t know how that got there) and she thought the breast might be bruised on the inside.  I have history of breast cancer in the family my sister died when she was 45 and a paternal aunt when she was 49.  I thought with my family history she would have referred me to the breast clinic straight away.  She said if in two weeks it is still the same she will refer me to the breast clinic.  Anyone else had anything similar and was it ok or something sinister.  I would regard myself as post menopause. 

Thanks for reading this.

Hi Jackjack

If I were you, I’d go back and insist on a referral. Can you maybe see a different Dr. It was a thickness I felt last year not a specific lump. I saw a locum who could feel it but thought it was fatty or fibrous tissue. He asked if I wanted it checked as I also have a family history so I said yes. Just as well I did. Mammogram was clear but it was found on an ultrasound. The fact you are worried should be reason enough.

I’m not trying to frighten you but just be prepared for anything. Even if it turns out to be cancer, you are better to know and get on with dealing with it.

Good luck x

Hi ash been back to doctors she had referred me to the breast clinic…so feel better about it. So glad you are feeling well enough to go back to work it sounds like you have been through enough. Good luck x