Breast ultrasound, core biopsy

My story is that I have had “extremely cystic” (per my GP) breasts for several years, about 5 years ago had a large 4.5 x 4 cm cyst drained via fine needle aspiration, mammograms yearly.
In January 2009 I had a mammogram, they were concerned so asked me to come back for an ultrasound, then told to come back again in 6 months for repeat ultrasound. At my annual physical in May my GP told me that there was an area of concern on the left breast in the 10 o’clock position. I had the 6 month followup ultrasound last week on August 12th. I was told I could go afterwards, however right after I got home I received a phone call telling me that the radiologist saw a mass with irregular edges on the left breast and they wanted me to come back right away for a core biopsy. They booked me for Friday, August 14th at 11:15, the radiologist came in the room and said “It looks lobular”,I had the core biopsy done and was told to make an appointment for about a week’s time to discuss the results with my GP.
So now I wait and while I wait I have researched what I can. I’m not sure now if the radiologist thought that the lump looked like a lobular carcinoma, at the time I thought she meant location. It does appear that it is the same location that was of concern back in January.
Nice to know that there are forums like this where we can go and find others that are in similar situations.

Waiting for results is a nightmare. Sorry my situation was different but have added a post to bring this back to the top. Sure someone will be able to help.

hi im new here my story is bit similar had recall after my first breast screening last month as seemed had a suspicious part on right breast.Two weks ago went to breast clinic had the triple test and mammogram showed image looked round and smooth on top byt bit irregular at bottom then got ultrasound to take core biopsy i kept asking if could be cyst they said no.Went back on monday for results and was told there is good news and not so good news image was a cyst with breast matter inside but there was an image behind cyst this must be the irrregular part they saw so had to have another biopsy on that part.
few questions can i ask if anyone can help
why wasnt cyst picked up on ultrasound
and can you have cysts that are irregular
when they took 2nd biopsy lady said sample was very fluid is that good sign? sorry for so many qs this has came as such a shock to me and cant get head round it sorry xxxxxx

please anyone advice needed. Back to top.

Hi lindae1958,

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, where I’m sure you’ll get lots of support from the other users of this site.

If you feel you would like to talk to someone in confidence then the BCC Helpline is here for you, offering support and information. Calls to the helpline are free, lines are open Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm and Sat 9am - 2pm Tel: 0808 800 6000

Kind regards,
Kate, BCC Facilitator

waiting for phone call today between 1 and 4 with my results

It’s been a bit since my first post; it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster ride.
I received a phone message from my GP on August 22nd and I was told all was fine, fibroadenoma, followup U/S and mammogram in six months, so I went on with life.
Then on September 14th I received a phone call in the evening from the GP stating that she had just received a new report, four pathologists had reviewed my results and now wanted to go to lumpectomy. She said that she would have me booked to see a surgeon at our local breast clinic and I should hear from them within two days.
I did, had an appointment yesterday, September 30th with him and I am now booked to have bilateral wire localization with wide local excisions.
He was very nice but didn’t really discuss the pathologists request, just said that we would get the lumps out and go from there.
Anyone else have anything like this happen to them?

I can’t comment on your situation - mine is very different. Just want to offer my support, wishing you well with all this. So hard when you get told different things, one minute up, the next down. All the best and I hope the next bit of news will be good and stay good. And if it isn’t then do come back here for more support.

Thanks for the support. Just a quick update.
I had my surgery on October 7th, it seems they took a good amount of tissue from each breast.
I have an appointment booked with the surgeon for October 26th to go over all the results.

All the best with your results on 26/10! I hope it is good news. You have already had to go through a lot. One similarity between us is that I am waiting for 6 months to find out if my dodgy spot is a something or a nothing. I have now done 16 weeks of waiting. More than half way. And thanks to this site I have also felt a lot calmer about it all than I did at first. It’s great site with lots of support - and at times a sense of humour which also helps!