Breastcancer DCIS

hello I am still poorly am i supposed to feel better now. I cannot drive yet, as i am still sore and i don’t seem to have any energy. i am also not wanting to go out and i am worrying about going back to work as well. i work as a checkout operator.

I am glad that it is not just me.
I had a lumpectomy in Jan and sentinel node biopsy in Feb - due to have radiotherapy soon - I was feeling better, but today fell quite sick and weak.
everyone else seems to get over things much quicker - and I do think what is wrong with me - but we are all different aren’t we.
I am due to go back to work on Monday - but I am going to see my GP tomorrow to get the ok first - but to be honest I dont feel ready to go back yet.
Only you know how you feel - but if it helps, I too feel the same.
Maybe give it another week and think again after that.


Just wanted to send some hugs.I don’t know what you had done but there is no right or wrong recovery time.Everyone is different.Don’t be hard on yourself.If you need more time then you need more time!
I had mast and recon in July 2008 and only went back to work in January as I was having counselling to help with my emotions.Even now I am still struggling a bit.So you are not alone.