
I have just finished my 5th cycle of Capecitabine for lung mets. My problem is although my cough is slightly improved, been coughing for months, I have become very breathless. Its worse going upstairs, ok when resting.I wasn’t breathless until I started on Cap., my last blood results showed improvement, tumour markers on downward trend. Im dreading my next appt. in case my tumour markers have started to rise. Has anyone else had this sort of problem with Capecitabine? I am also on Herceptin but my heart function is ok.

Hi Pipkin - I’m in the same situation. Capecitabine for lung mets (on my 9th cycle), and I too have had a cough since not long after I started on it. Really breathless if I do anything physical. And like you, my ct scans and tumour markers are all improving so I know it has to be a side effect of the drug. Still worrying though, isn’t it :frowning: the cough seems to get a bit better on my week off the drugs, and I recently had a four week break and the cough almost went in that time. it’s just such a pain at night, isn’t it. I’m going to ask at my next appointment if there’s anything I can take for it. Other than this, any other side effects I have are really mild. The anti sickness pills sort the nausea out. So reading some other people’s side effects, I’m quite lucky. :slight_smile:

hi there i was on capecitabine for 3 weeks but didnt work for me, so now im on vinorelbine for my lung mets wont know if thats working til a few weeks yet, ive had a terrible cough for about 6 weeks i cant sleep for it i cant walk 50 yrs til im breathless and then have a coughing fit, i dont cough anything up and its driving me nuts i take codine linctus and oxynorm prescribed to me but dont seem to help any suggestions would be fab
kaz xxx