Brilliant holiday

Hi everyone I’m back from holiday,

Went away with my daughter and grandson in our caravan last week. We only went to Thornton near Cleveleys but the weather was great and we did lots. Grandson is nearly 3 so it didn’t take a lot to amuse him.

We made sancastlesand lots of sand pies and I feel lots better for having been in the sun and having a rest.

Went to Scotland in July with hubby and we had brilliant weather then so after this lousy summer I feel really lucky to have had 2 holidays with good weather.

I’m in work this afternoon and don’t really want to go. I also have an appointment for an ultrasound on Thursday afternoon. Surprising how the routine gets back in our lives. Apart from being a bit tired last week I almost forgot about C.

Just thought I’d let you all know.

Marilyn X

Hi Marilyn,

welcome back! I’m glad to hear you had a lovely holiday, thats great. And how nice that the weather was kind to you, someone must of been smiling on you! I know exactly what you mean about almost forgetting you had the big c. We went away for a few days over the bank holiday weekend and for a change I wore my wig when we were out and about. So, the wig wearing combined with the fact I’m on my 3 week break from chemo meant I felt really ‘well’ and ‘normal’. To be honest I think we all totally forgot there was anything wrong with me for the most part. It was only the occasional tiredness that reminded us!

Take care, Hope work is ok and your U/S goes well tomorrow,


Hi - Marilyn

It was lovely reading your post - It reminds that life does go on and can be fun even when all this rubbish is going on. My Grandson visited yesterday - we took a net and went tiddler fishing - it was great.

Hope the scan went well today (?) let us know, and many more happy hols. Yours put a smile on my face.

Love Swanie

I had a wk in Turkey after my rads. It was brilliant, I felt normal again. I was still quite baldy but was treated with a lot of kindness and respect by locals and holiday makers alike and I soon forgot about my self image.

Sun is so theraputic too. I used high factor creams but you could almost see my hair growing! Glad you caught the good weather too.
