Bristol meet up in October

Hi guys,

Due to the resounding success of the last meeting (i.e. quality of company, profound discussion and of course the ‘fine dining’ chips) we have arranged the next meeting on 30th October at 11.30 at Browns. Marmite I assume you are doing this under the usual alias!

I hope Debs will be able to join us then, as I hope will all the other faces who could not make it this time.

See you then x

Glad you’ve picked a day I can make it this time! I’ll have had my latest PET scan on the Tues 27th in London and results 28th so presuming I’m feeling ok I’m very much hoping to be there.
Looking forward to it xx

Waaaah!!! That’s half-term!! My older daughter can fend for herself now but I’ll have to try and make some arrangements for the younger one. If I can do that, then I’ll definitely be there.

(Don’t even suggest the older one babysitting - they’d kill each other, lol!)

Will do my best to make this one as I’ve missed the last two

Lesley xx

Hi all,
Yes I will book nearer the time and when we have more ideas of nos. Certainly hope Debs will be well enough to come. Reading her latest posts with interest and anticipation!
Marmite x

Hi to all out there who would like to meet up in Browns at 11.30 october 30th.
Let me know who thinks they can make it, and I will book the table.
Hope I feel better by then. Currently on antibiotics again for urine infection and bad chesty cold. Only 2 weeks after antibiotics for infection in arm!
Should have had chemo again by then if bloods up to it.
Marmite x

Yup I’m ok for that - and I hope you are too marmite. What a bugger this disease is (massive understatement!).

Look after yourself - fingers crossed for you.

much love

I am up for it too all being well. I’m also full of a chesty cold at the mo and also am in London for next PET scan next Tues - results Wed so hopefully if well and results ok should be there.
Love to you all xx

Yes, count me in as well please. Hope you both feel much better soon marmite and Anne - and all the best with your scan results Anne.

Looking forward to seeing everyone
Lesley xx

I hope to be able to make this as well, although I am starting my radiotherapy on the 28th and am on antibiotics at the moment for an abcess under my arm. Must be something in the air…

sorry cant be with you all this time .ive broken my arm so not very good company at the moment !i (fell over the cat !!) am due at pain clinic next week so all the appointments clash .funny you can go weeks without any and then they all seem to come at the same time . hope everyones is ok ,will be thinking of you all . lynn x

Oh Lynn,sorry to hear about your broken arm. You poor thing! Good luck with your appointments and hope to see you again before too long. Take care x

Have a good time I am sorry I wont be there having head done this week so will be moaning and sleeping I guess.
Have a drink and remember me. I was the quiet one trying o get a word in!!!
Love Debsxxx

You’re unforgettable Debs!We will indeed be thinking of you.
Very much wishing you well for your WBR this week and hope Ian learns how to control the wheelchair under your instruction!!
Got my PET scan on Tues and heading down to London for it tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Good Luck I am SURE you will be fine.
Love DEbsxxx

Oh heavens Lynn that must have been painful! We shall miss you. As for the quiet one - rack my brain as i do i simply cannot remember a quiet one, but a for you debs of course there will be a toast and for uyou too lynn.

Wishing you both the very best!

Lynn, so sorry to hear about your accident. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
Jan xxx

Hi to you all.Back from week-end in Devon for a wedding. Still not feeling too great so back to see GP tomorrow, and my lymphadema arm has blown up again, no idea why.Then later to the hospital for my pre-chemo bloods.
Will book a table for 7 and hopefully see you all there at 11.30 on Friday. Table booked in the name of Brown, or will be when I get off this laptop.
Sorry Lynn and Debs won’t be there, but we will toast you both.
Marmite x

You are a gadabout marmite! I do hope you feel better before Friday, get some treats and sleeps.

much love and best wishes

so sorry but I won’t be able to make it. Had my first radiotherapy treatment yesterday and, in the early hours of this morning, started being very sick. Wasn’t expecting any side effects like this - of course it may just be a coincidence. Hope the rest of you have a great time.
Jan x

Have spoken to Celeste on the phone this morning - I’m absolutely full of a flu-like cold, hot and cold, shivery and aching and feeling very sorry for myself. I hope you all have a lovely time and I will try to make the next one

Take care everyone
Lesley xx