Bristol SunWalk

Not sure where to put this, but just wanted to report that my friends and I (Team Flora!) are doing the Bristol SunWalk half marathon tomorrow. We have raised well over £1000 between us, which I am astounded and very thankful for.

We spent today decorating our bras, so I’ll try and get some photos tomorrow to show you our efforts. My fabulous boyf is doing it too, wearing a 42G sized bra!

Wish us luck! Especially my friends, who were downing serious quantities of wine when we left them at 9pm!!! :slight_smile:

Hi Flora,
Sounds like your friends will need more support than you tomorrow!
Look forward to seeing the photo’s, and wishing you all the very best of Luck, take it easy, hope the weather is not too hot for you all. especially the 42G boyf! Lol!
Have a fantastic day, and well done on the £1000 raised
Wishing you all a sunny walk
Hugs and Love
Sandra xxx

Hi Flora,

Good luck for today.

Congratulations on raising that amount.

Dotty2 xx

Thanks Ladies!

We completed it in under 4 hours, but boyf is now in pain and on the nurofen. Pulled something, it seems.

He had windmills on his bra, and every marshall complimented him on them! Wind power!

Photo of ‘Team Flora’ here:

Hi Flora
Congratulations and well done to you all, very colourful! sorry to hear OH pulled something! it is a man thing!

I want windmills on my boobs, well one of them at least!

Sleep well

Sandra xxx