Bronchial cough whilst on chemo

Does anyone know what I can do with this bronchial cough? I’ve had it since last December and I thought it had gone when I was diagnosed with bc but since starting chemo a week ago it has reappeared, worse in the mornings when I get up. I haven’t got a fever just coughing and bringing up mucus. Not sure if I can take anything or just call the doc??

Hi there, do not want to be alarmist, but to be cautious suggest you insist on CT scan of your chest if you have not had one. Of course, side effects of chemo are many and various… Good luck, Ariadne

I had a bad cough between my 2nd and 3rd chemos. I went to my GP and said that I had been told my chemo session would be delayed if I was coughing.
He prescribed a short course of antibiotics which seemed to do the trick together with codeine at night. Chemo was delayed a week and I had a chest x ray. Strongly advise you to do the same, it seems to be dragging on for you.
Good luck! Lynn xx