brother and partner- what help for them?

my brothers partner has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is going through chemo and has radiotherapy to come.

it involves a lot of traveling, time off work and she is exhausted and withdrawing and getting depressed.

What financial help can they get (he is self employed and employs her as book keeper)

what practical support can they get/ face to face/ couselling etc

how should i give them the info without looking like im a busy body?

thanks in advance xx

hi, This is definately case where you could ring the helpline and see what finance or help with transport is in your are. They are there to advise everyone.

Most hospitals offer counceling on site or links to services. Again if you know what hospital she is going to the helpline would know what is avaiable there.

There is a whole thread on this site about people trying to say encouraging things and getting it wrong and i can understand you feeling awkward about handling this badly. But it is great that you are so concerned.

If you are comfortable with little white lies you could always say that you met someone who was getting help and that is how you found out. But you might find that they do not take it up. Some people are so independant that they want to cope my themselves, no matter how impossible that seems

If you read the chemo threads on here you will see that its not just the travelling that is exhausting, the whole thing can be a nightmare, especially as other people do not know exactly how it affects you.

I think it is good that you are so concerned and trying to help, There will be poeple along soon to offer advice, but I think your best bet is a good long chat with the helpline.

I was about to suggest similar to O&L. Why don’t you tell them that a work colleague/neighbour got invaluable advice and support re finances, treatment on this website and forum and that she found the support network invaluable. Of course, they might dismiss it…or they might pop on for a look…x

Macmillan - you can contact then through the local cancer hospital - have specialist financial experts/advisors. Macmillan can also offer one-off grants for essentials like heating bills, washing machines etc in cases of hardship.

Just to concur wuith what the others said.

Don’t know where you are, obviosuly, but in Scotland and parts of England there are Maggie’s Centres which can offer practical advice, support and encouragement. What they offer varies locally but includes, for example, support groups, Tai Chi classes, access to nutritionist and financial advice.

Macmillan should have a person ‘on site’ at the hospital I believe, and are a fount of useful info.

You could tell them that ‘someone mentioned it’ absoltuely truthfully - because we did.

Hope all goes well. Take care.

thanks everyone, some great advice. :slight_smile: