Just looking for anyone who may have experienced this.
I went for my 4th FEC yesterday after seeing my Onc on Monday and noticed in the bath on Monday night that I have small brown spots deep underneath the skin on the palms of my hands, sides of fingers and bottoms of fingers, on the soles of my feet and bottoms of my toes. They range from the odd one a couple of mm across to 4 or 5 pinprick sized ones on my thumb. I also have noticed a brown bruise about 2-3cm across at the top of my spine and have no idea where it came from and it doesn’t hurt.
I obviously haven’t mentioned it to my Onc as I hadn’t seen them then or they weren’t there but I mentioned the spots (but forgot the bruise) to the chemo sister yesterday who said that discolouration of the skin can be a side effect of the 5FU but she had never seen it as spots before but they were probably due to that.
I am a bit reassured as I don’t feel ill but still find them odd. Has anyone else experienced this?
Hi Ostrich, Just got back into swing of things, sort of, now that chn back at school, so finally have the little laptop to use so back looking at things on the forum.
Yep I’ve got the brown spots too. I’m on xeloda which has 5FU in tablet form, or it changes in to it in the liver…can’t remember exactly.
My spots started on the palms of my hands. I have had hard time with sore hands - ie hand foot syndrome, and now just finished 3rd cycle of chemo, i’m now experiencing tingling and mild soreness in feet too. Checked feet a couple of days ago after bath and yep brown spots arriving there too.
It’s got to be the chemo, as read way back that the toxins build up in hands and feet and don’t get released due to poor sweat glands …or summit like that.
I’m assuming that things will get better when poisons are out of the body!!
I’m also on Xeloda and having trouble with hand and foot syndrome.I haven’t got brown spots on soles or palms but have noticed that I’m getting new freckles on my skin all the time.Mostly on my arms and backs of hands.
Alli x