Hiya i having been on here in a while dx last year finished 8 chemos and radiotherpy at the end of june.
I have just noticed on my surgery side at the side of my back bruise like blotches they start at the under part of my arm and then finish at the low part of my rib has any one else had this they are not sore or swollen just really worried i had afull lymph gland removel 3/17
Hi Poppet
I had a similar thing and really panicked as I had already had a skin recurrence, but wierdly (and I promise you it didn’t fit the description) it turned out to be ringworm!!! Well that’s what I was treated for and sure enough it went away!
I would defo show anything new that doesn’t go away or gets woest in a couple of weeks to my GP.
Hope this helps,