burning cheeks?

Hello everyone.
Just wondered if anyone had had burning cheeks and change in skin pigment/ colour whilst having chemo? Im on day 15 of my second docetaxel. Had the same thing on day 3 of my first treatment. It looks awful and feels fairly yuk too! Will it be perm?

Hi harry duck
Just to say I too have burning bright red cheeks, Day 16 after 2nd Docetaxel. It’s such a good look isn’t it, with the red sore eyes, and the eye bags that look like the ‘before’ picture in plastic surgery ads? There doesn’t seem to be a lot to stop it, and I’m hoping it’s just another phase of the toxin’s pumping round my body, killing what it likes in its path.
Although it doesn’t stop the redness, Waitrose Baby Bottom Butter (a steal at £3 something for a big pot) doesn’t irritate it, or my eyes and seems a good moisturser.
Hey ho, we’re nearly on week 3!

Best wishes Jenks25

I have bright red face almost instantly from having FEC. For a few days. This time round as am bald I can see it’s also on my scalp.

So looking good!!

I have had burning cheeks on and off through various chemos, but with the interesting variation of it frequently being just one cheek, which looks even more ridiculous1
Love, Lynn

Thank you ladies. My pigment is now brown on both cheeks and i look very odd! Hope it fades when all of this is over x

Hi all - usually the bright red flush (and feeling hot) immediately after chemo is actually due to the steroid drugs we are given. I had a one-sided flush on FEC 2 and yes, it did look even more ridiculous. That effect goes when the steroids are out of the system. Not sure about the pigmentation change. Obviously we are advised to keep out of direct sun and use high factor sunscreen but I’ve noticed some darker areas that have never been in the sun - eg underarms… don’t know if that will revert back or not.


Had my 2nd chemo yesterday and have had very flushed hot cheeks today. This didn’t happen after the first one.

Gillian xx

Had my 2nd chemo yesterday and have had very flushed hot cheeks today. This didn’t happen after the first one.

Gillian xx

This happened to me after my first chemo and chemo nurse told me to try Piriton. I got some ready for the next time but it didn’t happen again, so it may be a one off for you too! Hope so, good luck x